Carly Fiorina wins my award for most incoherent argument on the impeachment of Donald Trump. Be warned, just reading it is probably the physical equivalent of running headlong into a brick wall. For a refresher, Fiorina sought the Republican nomination in 2016 and got to enjoy gems like this from Donald Trump:
A newly published Rolling Stone article shows GOP front-runner Donald Trump mocking fellow candidate Carly Fiorina’s looks when he sees her on TV.
When the anchor throws to Carly Fiorina for her reaction to Trump’s momentum, Trump’s expression sours in schoolboy disgust as the camera bores in on Fiorina. ‘Look at that face!’ he cries. ‘Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!’
Nonetheless, Fiorina says that she eventually voted for Donald Trump because she disapproved of Hillary Clinton. That shows a lack of self-respect that is hard to believe until you realize that Ted Cruz is a living, breathing human being. What’s worse is that Fiorina fruitlessly sought a position in Trump’s administration and now says that she’s “bitterly disappointed” with how Trump has conducted himself, as if she didn’t know exactly how he conducts himself firsthand long before she chose him over Clinton.
When it comes to impeaching Trump now, she says, “I think it is vital,” but then adds she’s not certain the Senate should convict him “this close to an election, I don’t know.”
Then to make her position maximally confounding, she won’t even commit to voting against Trump in 2020: “It depends who the Democrats put up.”
So, according to Fiorina, Trump should be impeached. In fact, it’s extremely important that he be impeached. But he shouldn’t necessarily be removed from office for his misconduct which involves efforts to tamper with the 2020 election because it’s too close in time to that election. Maybe he should be allowed to see if he can cheat his way into another four-year term. And, on a personal level, Fiorina might even vote for him again if she disapproves of the Democratic nominee, proving that she’s learned exactly nothing.
This set of ridiculous positions could never pass for wisdom and Fiorina isn’t going to make a single American happy with her effort to have things every which way without taking a firm position on anything. I have no idea why she’s on teevee spouting this kind of nonsense, but I guess it’s a decent psychological profile of how hard it is for your average Republican to come to grips with the concept of choosing country over party.
I agree with you, she is an idiot. I heard her this morning on CNBC where she stood forth on the Xerox and HP possible merger and added exactly zero to that conversation and how bad Warren or Sanders would be for business. She would know, no doubt.
People who excel in the business world so often come to think of themselves as smarter than everyone else. In my experience, that’s rarely true. They have strengths and weaknesses like everyone else and most of them are not deep thinkers. If they were, they wouldn’t have focused so much of their life on something as dull as making a whole lot of money because there are a lot of compromises that go into achieving at that level.
The usual great thinking from one of our crackerjack CEOs. And her august opinion is solicited why, exactly?
Oh, yeah, because she’s a never-was from the Repub swamp….