The president wrote Nancy Pelosi a letter but he says the real audience is the people who will be living 100 years from now. Raise your hand if you believe that Trump has ever spent a moment worrying about something that will happen after he is dead.
The historians will be glad to have this document, however, as it’s a remarkable psychological piece of excrement filled with gems like this:
Tomorrow, the motherfucker will be impeached.
The letter nicely encapsulates the Republican worldview. As I have been saying for a while, they think that Trump did the right thing by asking for an investigation of Biden. After all, in their view, there is nothing more important, nothing of greater interest to the U.S., than beating Democrats. Indeed, they think that Trump would be remiss in his duties to the country if he did not take the opportunity to battle our most important national enemy: liberals. In their view, Putin is not an adversary, but a useful ally in this war.
Also…now having read it…Jesus!
It sounds like it was written by a 14 year old girl to her ex-boyfriend. (Apologies to 14 year old girls.)
“How dare you say that you care about me!! Everything I do is for this relationship! You don’t even care how much pain this is causing my family. You are a LIAR!!! You are THE WORST PERSON EVER!!!!!”
You can practically see the bubble letters and the hearts dotting the i’s.
“Everyone knows you only pray that I get cancer!”
“You’re a mean girl, Nancy. You’re a BITCH!”
The Dems would do well to adopt your (ironic) argument as an actual rhetorical strategy. Or at least some of them should in order to “get it out there”.
It fully explains “conservative” behavior in 2019 and has the immense benefit of being the truth. Would Lindsey or Moscow Mitch even step to the microphone to express disagreement?
Among other things, this letter is great evidence in support of the investigation/impeachment strategy. It’s clearly the result of *hours* of work by Trump and his staff. Those are hours they couldn’t spend on some other initiative, and they’ll never get those hours back.
In addition, that’s a letter that will persuade exactly *nobody* to support Trump or to oppose congressional Democrats.
Furthermore, Trump and his staff will now have to waste additional hours on the defensive, responding to negative reactions to the letter that have already started pouring in from everywhere (including from Republican party leaders).
Keep it up.
It’s practically unreadable. I think I need a CAT scan.
Okay then. That was, um, interesting. Having had the misfortune of once working with a raging narcissist, I recognize the letter for what it is – a loud tantrum in written form. We really need an amendment to the Constitution requiring Presidential candidates to pass a thorough psych eval. Wouldn’t prevent abuse of power from occurring, but would at least prevent this type of nightmare from happening again.
“He has been to a great feast of [constitutional] language and stol’n the scraps!”
–William S.
That motherfucker has now been impeached.