Midweek Cafe and Lounge, Vol. 146 Posted by Don Durito | Jan 15, 2020 | 8 | Here’s an old classic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jShMQw2H2cM The bar is open. I may be doubling as bartender, whether it is healthy or not. The jukebox is open. I hope you all are okay.
Here’s a contemporary song that makes a couple nods to an old Lou Reed classic Video may not show up. May have to click the link.
OT: that Rachel Maddow interview with Lev Parnas was off the chain. It lived up to the hype. Part 2 on Thursday.
Trump has apparently not known Lev Parnas for over 25 years .That’s a long time to constantly associate with a total stranger.
After catching up on the day’s news:

We used to have an ABBA fan who would post vids here occasionally. Just in case that person is still lurking:
Yum. Zombie worms.
Learn something new every day!
“What does your daddy do for a living?”
“He drops dead things to the bottom of the ocean and sees what eats their corpses.”