Assuming that Donald Trump will eventually be acquitted by the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate, the overall effect of the impeachment process will be determined by how the American public feels about the process. From that standpoint, Mitch McConnell really isn’t doing the president or his colleagues any favors by ramming through a transparently self-serving set of rules designed to limit viewership, testimony and evidence.

I can only conclude one of two things from this. Either McConnell isn’t very bright or he realizes that there is a real risk that he’ll face an internal revolt and actual votes for conviction if he doesn’t keep a tight lid on what can be presented during the trial. After all, he told Sean Hannity a few weeks ago that there is “zero chance” that Trump will be convicted in the Senate, but if that is true then he ought to bend over backwards to make sure that the public accepts the verdict. Since he is clearly willing to forego any perception of fairness or even thoroughness, it indicates that there is a chance Trump could be removed from office.

And McConnell has really outdone himself in how he’s decided to game this trial. He’s asking the Democratic House Managers to make their case in no more than 24 hours in a 48-hour window, and they won’t be allowed to begin until the early afternoon. That means they’ll have to go all night if they want to use all their time. McConnell has also refused to accept the evidence from the House and will force his members to defy him on a case-by-case basis in order for it to be admitted. Witnesses will have to be deposed before they can give evidence, but he provides no time for them to be deposed, and that assumes they’re allowed to at all. He’ll also limit what kind of feeds CSPAN can use, bar reporters from having convenient access, and perhaps even force any Bolton testimony to be given in a classified setting.

This all may make for a quicker trial, but that’s the only real advantage I can see. If Trump were truly invulnerable, none of this would be necessary.

One thing the Democrats could do is simply impeach him again. But first they’d have to refuse to participate in this sham and declare that they will reopen the case to incorporate all the evidence that has come out since the impeachment vote and to get the testimony John Bolton offered to the Senate.  I’d immediately subpoena Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, Victoria Toensing, Joe DiGenova, reporter John Solomon, Derek Harvey, and Rudy Giuliani. And after they have all testified, I’d hold another impeachment vote and challenge McConnell to pull the same crap.

The Democrats should get this testimony anyway, regardless of what they decide to do with McConnell’s stupid rules. Either way, McConnell seems weak and stupid to me, even if he thinks he’s projecting strength.