Republicans probably don’t want to hear this but as I ponder the immense hassle that will be required to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, I am reminded of nothing more that the torrent of emotions I had when I realized that I’d have to put up with at least four years of a Trump presidency. I just find it crushingly depressing that we’re going to be stuck in some fucked up world for months and months, if not a year or more, as we try to prevent this virus from killing millions of people. I know I will eventually adjust to this and find a way to keep living in a way that doesn’t make me intensely unhappy, but I only have confidence in this because I achieved it after Trump was elected.

Having Trump as our president was every bit as unthinkable to me as it was to be living in a country on near-total lockdown. I couldn’t seriously entertain the idea that Americans might deliberately self-inflict such disaster on themselves and the polling data gave me no real reason for concern. In the two years prior to the 2016 election, not once did Trump poll ahead in my home state of Pennsylvania. When he won nonetheless, I had to go through a long period of adjustment. The worst part was how it made me feel about my fellow citizens. The second worst part was the realization of what I’d have to endure and that it would take so long to get to the point where we could rectify the situation.

But I slowly came to terms with the fact I was going to be going through a thoroughly unpleasant daily grind. And, as I sat down, day after dreadful day to plow my way through, I discovered that what I thought would be intolerable was actually something that I could endure.

Right now, I feel claustrophobic and stir-crazy and incredibly unhappy, but I know that after a few weeks these feelings will begin to subside. In fact, it won’t be as bad as it was with Trump because, with him, I had to fight off the feeling that I was allowing his administration to feel normal. I know that our social distancing isn’t normal. I know that we’ll happily abandon it as soon as we are able. Maybe we’ll even learn to organize our society in a way that is more sensible and robust so that something good can come out of this. This is better than the situation with Trump, because I constantly worry that he is breaking things that will not be fixed.

So, as bad as this is, it’s still not as bad as Trump getting elected.