What is justice for people like this?

One former White House official said Trump’s reelection campaign advisors are terrified that the coronavirus outbreak, which so far has hit largely Democratic coastal cities hardest, will soon scythe across the rural areas that remain deeply loyal to Trump.

The advisors have warned Trump that the political consequences at the ballot box in November will be even worse if he is seen as too lax.

“Pay attention. You’re going to lose the election,” the former official said, summarizing the intervention.

I get that political advisers have to be concerned about election outcomes, but the way they do their calculation is that Trump can weather images of body bags being piled on refrigerator trucks just so long as the dead people are presumably Democrats.

Just so long as those “deeply loyal to Trump” aren’t dropping like flies, then there’s really no political problem at all.

I don’t think this is sound political advice, but that’s not what outrages me. It’s the cynicism of it that makes me want to go to war with these people. If they insist that it’s only “my people” who are dying and that “their people” are hardly scathed, then I know all I need to know about them.

This isn’t a political dispute anymore. It’s life and death.