As Aaron Blake points out in the Washington Post, the president has now established a pattern of firing inspectors general late on Friday night. On May 15, it was Steve Linick of the State Department, shit-canned for cooperating with Congress in the impeachment inquiry and investigating Secretary Mike Pompeo’s use of a political appointee as a personal servant for himself and his wife. Announced at 10pm.

On May 1, it was Christi Grimm of Health & Human Services, fired for issuing “an April report finding “severe shortages” of coronavirus testing kits, delays in results and “widespread shortages” of equipment like masks.” Announced a little after 8pm.

On April 3, it was Intelligence Community inspector general Michael Atkinson, fired for delivering the whistleblower report on Ukraine to Congress. Announced around 10pm.

He also fired Acting Defense Department inspector general Glenn Fine on April 7, but that was a Tuesday. His reasoning? He doesn’t know or trust him, and he didn’t want him overseeing any part of a $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package that had recently been enacted into law.

These are all blatantly corrupt acts, and the three most obviously corrupt cases were all announced late on Friday night precisely because of Trump’s consciousness of guilt and desire to minimize public awareness of his criminality.

Collectively, they amount to a rock solid article of impeachment. If I were Pelosi, I’d consider having another impeachment trial. Why not? It’s warranted, and there’s no reason we should just sit here helplessly while the man breaks every single thing of value in this country.