Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life.
Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).
I have an insanely busy week. Worst is over Saturday. One of my side gigs. Never handled that one online before. Usually travel to a convention center and spend endless hours grading AP exams. After dealing with the online format, I prefer the standard convention center version. Ironically, fewer distractions. Worst I ever dealt with was table leaders looking for an excuse to recalibrate or colleagues who just wanted to chat up a bit. These days, I stare at a damned screen for more hours than is healthy while trying to filter out TV noise, the noise of an adult child who is way too loud and can’t figure out that the welcome mat was pulled a while back, and cats. So that’s my life this week. At least I have my health. Hope you all are doing better.
The LP that included this cover got plenty of critical acclaim. No one knew how to classify it. It had the markings of progressive rock, so I suspect most folks just looked at this LP as a really cool supergroup of people that no one would ordinarily bother with at any arena. Trowser Press considered 801 and its members as part of a broader New Wave movement in popular music that was occurring simultaneously with the New Wave movement in other arts, such as film. However one tries to parse things, I look at it as a wonderful excuse for understanding what Roxy Music would have been like without Bryan Ferry (no offense to Bryan Ferry fans).
From the Cabaret Voltaire EP “Three Mantras”:
I have an insanely busy week. Worst is over Saturday. One of my side gigs. Never handled that one online before. Usually travel to a convention center and spend endless hours grading AP exams. After dealing with the online format, I prefer the standard convention center version. Ironically, fewer distractions. Worst I ever dealt with was table leaders looking for an excuse to recalibrate or colleagues who just wanted to chat up a bit. These days, I stare at a damned screen for more hours than is healthy while trying to filter out TV noise, the noise of an adult child who is way too loud and can’t figure out that the welcome mat was pulled a while back, and cats. So that’s my life this week. At least I have my health. Hope you all are doing better.
A bit of prog rock of a sort:
The LP that included this cover got plenty of critical acclaim. No one knew how to classify it. It had the markings of progressive rock, so I suspect most folks just looked at this LP as a really cool supergroup of people that no one would ordinarily bother with at any arena. Trowser Press considered 801 and its members as part of a broader New Wave movement in popular music that was occurring simultaneously with the New Wave movement in other arts, such as film. However one tries to parse things, I look at it as a wonderful excuse for understanding what Roxy Music would have been like without Bryan Ferry (no offense to Bryan Ferry fans).
So another busy day gone by. Hope everyone is well.