Trump Has Destroyed the GOP’s Vote-By-Mail Advantage in Florida
Given the present state of the campaign, Trump can hardly afford to commit massive errors that will impact early voting, but that is exactly what he has done.
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Jun 24, 2020 |
Given the present state of the campaign, Trump can hardly afford to commit massive errors that will impact early voting, but that is exactly what he has done.
Read MorePosted by Don Durito | Jun 24, 2020 |
Hi. Let’s start out with John Oliver on COVID-19 in prisons and jails: Seth Myers has a few...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Jun 23, 2020 |
Even if Trump continues to do a catastrophically bad job and runs a terrible campaign, he can rely on winning Alabama.
Posted by BooMan | Jun 23, 2020 |
The new generations’ demand is that we rethink not only how we do things in the future, but how we got here in the first place.
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Jun 22, 2020 |
He's getting the worse end of the fitness argument, which has the doubly brutal effect of neutralizing his attacks on Biden.