I learned from a friend in Massachusetts on Saturday that I’m not welcome in Cape Cod because my home state of Pennsylvania is on a list of unacceptably risky states. I found that depressing, especially because I monitor the rate of infection in my county very closely, and it’s currently at a very low level. We had approximately 15 deaths in the whole month of July, and my local community averaged about one new case every six days. Things have improved enough that we’ve allowed my son to resume some outdoor sporting activities. I’m concerned that I may have to pull the plug on that soon, however, because our president is a monster.

The coronavirus is spreading at dangerous levels across much of the United States, and public health experts are demanding a dramatic reset in the national response, one that recognizes that the crisis is intensifying and that current piecemeal strategies aren’t working.

This is a new phase of the pandemic, one no longer built around local or regional clusters and hot spots. It comes at an unnerving moment in which the economy suffered its worst collapse since the Great Depression, schools are rapidly canceling plans for in-person instruction and Congress has failed to pass a new emergency relief package. President Trump continues to promote fringe science, the daily death toll keeps climbing and the human cost of the virus in America has just passed 150,000 lives.

“Unlike many countries in the world, the United States is not currently on course to get control of this epidemic. It’s time to reset,” declared a report released this week by Johns Hopkins University.

Another thing I learned on Saturday is how my son’s travel soccer team is preparing to operate in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was very impressed with the protocols they developed, which are much stronger than those used by my son’s baseball league. I have to take my son’s temperature before every practice, and the team will train in pods so that any infection is perhaps contained to four people rather than taking out the whole squad. If I ravel out of state to a list of at-risk states, my son has to quarantine for 14 days even if he didn’t join me. I’m not allowed to be on the sidelines at practice, but must remain in my car. The precautions took me ten minutes to read, and they make a lot of sense. But none of this will help if the federal government continues to do nothing. We all have to be prepared to just shut everything down, because no community can keep this virus out by itself.You all know that I hate this president with the heat of a thousand suns and called for the Electoral College to exercise its discretion to refuse to seat him because he is so manifestly unfit for office. The Supreme Court has since taken that discretion away from our Electors, but we have an election coming up where we will select new Electors. I know there are countless people in this country who are trying to navigate sports and school for their children and are just as frustrated and fearful as I am, and we’re all eager to take it out on Trump. I think places where the virus was contained are then came back are going to the worst for the president, because there’s a sense of loss and an obvious source of blame.

I’m already banned from Massachusetts. I’ve visited my friends in Cape Cod for several years in a row every August, and now I cannot go. I can blame other parts of my state for that, but I also blame the leaders of other states who followed Trump’s wishes and did none of the things my governor did to get the virus under control.

On Monday, I’ll find out what my son’s school district has decided for the upcoming year. I am 99 percent sure I won’t be sending him back to the campus even though he really needs to be with his friends. Sports has been great for him because he’s finally with people his own age, but I am not optimistic that our infection rate will remain where it is, and we’ll probably lose that too.

The fury I feel is volcanic, and that’s just based on how this has impacted my family. When I consider the unnecessary loss of life, the sickness and bodily harm of millions, the broken dreams of shuttered businesses, the people losing jobs and access to health care, I am ready to form a frickin’ militia.

I think Trump’s polls are about to take another huge dip. The energy he has built against him is comparable to Vesuvius.