Rod Dreher is obsessed with the idea of a new civil war breaking out in America. He recognizes that this won’t look like the battles between Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant, so what he really means is that we all might start shooting each other because we can’t stand to look at each other. And, I admit, it could definitely happen.

He published some reader emails, and they’re actually pretty thoughtful considering the subject matter. One guy talked about how he’s recently come to the reluctant conclusion that he needs a gun. I most definitely recognized the rationale behind his reasoning, because things are getting pretty desperate for tens of millions of Americans, and the social order is hanging by a thread.

One thing these folks seem to uniformly believe is that conservatives would prevail in any shooting war. Their reasoning seems sound at first. Red America is better armed and better trained than Blue America. But the COVID-19 crisis shows exactly why they’re mistaken.

If you look at the developed countries that are struggling to contain the outbreak, they’re all run by nationalistic/religious conservatives. Narrow-minded bigotry and the rejection of science combine in these places to create a kind of wishful thinking that is devoid of reason. The difference between reality and how these folks perceive reality is usually a societal nuisance, but it becomes lethal in a crisis. It can be a health crisis or it can be some kind of internecine shooting war.

Scientists aren’t usually too handy with a gun, but they win wars nonetheless. One one side, you have people who can slingshot a spacecraft around the moon and land it on a Martian dime, and on the other side you have people who think dinosaurs once coexisted with people. The dinosaur folks stand no chance in any real conflict.

I also think they give themselves too much credit for courage. If Joe Biden wins the presidency, there will be little reason for an insurrection and even if Trump makes a fuss about it, he’ll be a loser the Republican Party is eager to forget. Trump’s potential influence post-presidency is constantly exaggerated, in my opinion. He’ll have fewer diehards than Richard Nixon. I don’t see them besieging Austin or Charlotte.

A lot more trouble will come if Trump is reelected. It almost wouldn’t matter if this was magically accepted as a legitimate outcome because it would immediately lead to a total and possibly irreparable breakdown in our system as we’ve known it. The stress we’ve seen put on the Intelligence Community, the Justice Department, and the Pentagon would become a happy memory. Our scientific branches would be essentially annihilated. Our regulatory agencies would be corrupt beyond all imagination. Congress would be rendered toothless, unable to conduct oversight, and no longer even asked to confirm cabinet officials. All of these things are already fairly far along, and the only thing keeping things at all in check is the possibility that Trump will lose.

Needless to say, there will never be consent for these changes from most people who can remember a time before Trump. I don’t know whether people will start shooting Trump supporters, but the level of dissent in this country will be off the charts, and far greater than anything that could possibly greet a Biden presidency.

In other words, a civil war is far likelier if Trump is reelected, and that’s before we get to the obvious point that Trump revels in creating conflict and division, while Biden wants to bring the country together.

Yes, we’re a badly divided country, but we’re getting ready to take a step in the right direction. This election won’t magically heal the national divide, but a Biden victory will be a good start. The alternative will bring certain catastrophe.