My 10 year-old son woke up at 2am last night and was surprised to discover me awake reading in bed. I explained that I was looking at properties to buy in New Zealand but that they currently aren’t allowing any outsiders to visit their island nation. Don’t get the idea that I have the money to buy investment properties. I’m just so desperate to find a way for my son to have a normal childhood that I had to look into my options.

Of course, I also looked at some more touristy sites, including for areas near homes that I found interesting. Those sites now have advisories that no travel is permitted to New Zealand, so I decided to investigate their policy. And that led me to their COVID-19 policy for citizens, who are permitted to come and go. The experience made me want to cry when I considered the impossibility of America following a similar course.

It’s been 100 days since New Zealand has reported a single case of COVID-19. Here’s why:

While our borders are closed, New Zealand citizens and permanent residents have a legal right to come home. Those returning to New Zealand have a responsibility to do their part to stop COVID-19 spreading in New Zealand by completing 14 days in isolation before safely returning home.

How is this accomplished?

New Zealand has managed isolation and quarantine facilities located throughout the country. All facilities are located within hotels.

The facilities are closely monitored to make sure that measures are in place to keep New Zealand safe.

Selection criteria

All hotels selected for managed isolation or quarantine need to meet a strict set of criteria. This is to ensure that people staying and working in them are kept safe and that there’s a safe transition of people back into the community after their isolation period.

Some of the criteria hotels must meet include:

  • security and entry/exit points
  • suitable room and bathroom facilities
  • adequate provision of food and drink delivered to rooms
  • safe laundry protocols
  • ability to ensure people’s wellbeing through the provision of online access and services.

Sole use

None of the hotels being used for quarantine or managed isolation are currently open to other guests. The Government holds exclusive use of the hotel facilities.

How many people does this government program require to operate?

There are over 500 government and contracted staff directly supporting managed isolation and quarantine. Each quarantine and managed isolation facility has an All-of-Government support team.

Staff on the ground at our managed isolation facilities have stood at the frontline of New Zealand’s defence against COVID-19, doing essential work to ensure people can complete their stay safely and comfortably.

Each team works alongside facility management to support the health, wellbeing, security, supplementary logistics and administration of the people staying in the facility.

Each team has representatives from:

  • Ministry of Health (health and wellbeing)
  • Defence (administration and logistics)
  • Police and Aviation Security (security)
  • Ministry of Social Development (welfare).

The size of each team varies slightly based on facility capacity and the extra support required. For example, there are more health professionals at a quarantine facility than a managed isolation facility.

The multi-agency teams are responsible for managing the facilities and providing health and wellbeing support, security and assistance to guests, hotel staff and other government agency personnel.

Obviously, America is a much bigger country with many more citizens seeking to enter the country after trips abroad, so we would need many times more than 500 employees to do anything similar. Fortunately, we have somewhere near 40 million people looking for work, though, so it would be a snap to fill the positions.

Also, I want to reiterate that New Zealand has not had a confirmed COVID-19 case in 100 days.

For practical, political, and geographical reasons, Americans cannot shut themselves off from the world the way New Zealand can. But we can get this virus under control if we’re willing to work together and make sacrifices. Tourism is the second biggest industry in New Zealand, so it’s not like this isn’t painful for them.

But even without Trump’s horrible leadership, we just don’t seem to have the same communal spirit here. We can do better, but it’s depressing to realize that we’re simply incapable of doing this right.