To get an idea of how pathetic Trump’s defenders have became, Breitbart is conceding that most of Jeffrey Goldberg’s article in The Atlantic has been confirmed, just not the most “salacious” part. You might be wondering which accusation is sexual in nature, but it appears that Joel B. Pollak, the Senior Editor-at-Large, simply doesn’t know what “salacious” means.

Pollak reality admits that Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin was able to verify that Trump has ridiculed people who served in Vietnam, and that he “disparaged veterans and did not want to drive to honor American war dead at Aisne-Marne Cemetery outside Paris.” Pollak will acknowledge that Griffin has both confirmed that Trump cannot “understand why someone would die for their country,” and that he did not want any visibly wounded veterans marching in his Fourth of July parade.

But this is no big deal because Griffin did not mention getting any proof that Trump called the Marines buried at the Aisne-Marne cemetery  “losers” and “suckers.” So, the most “salacious” charge in unproven.

[Griffin] also said that one, or both, sources confirmed some other details in the Atlantic story.

But Griffin said she could not confirm “the most salacious” part of the Atlantic report, which claimed that Trump had called World War I solders buried at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris “losers” and “suckers.”

Notably, Griffin did not tweet that she had failed to confirm the headline claim of the Atlantic piece, which was titled: “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’.”

That’s such a good clean-up job, don’t you think? Isn’t that so much better?

Except, Griffin actually did confirm that Trump sometimes refers to veterans as suckers.

There’s nothing salacious about any of this. It’s one of the least sexy stories I’ve ever seen. Trump avoided Vietnam, which was a judgment call I won’t question. But he did it dishonestly by faking a disability. And he dishonors those who served in his place, including those who died. He has no respect for our military, no understanding of its values, and no reverence for it members’ sacrifice.

His defenders admit this is the case, but complain that a Fox News correspondent didn’t verify that he called them “losers.”