To get an idea of how pathetic Trump’s defenders have became, Breitbart is conceding that most of Jeffrey Goldberg’s article in The Atlantic has been confirmed, just not the most “salacious” part. You might be wondering which accusation is sexual in nature, but it appears that Joel B. Pollak, the Senior Editor-at-Large, simply doesn’t know what “salacious” means.
Pollak reality admits that Fox News national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin was able to verify that Trump has ridiculed people who served in Vietnam, and that he “disparaged veterans and did not want to drive to honor American war dead at Aisne-Marne Cemetery outside Paris.” Pollak will acknowledge that Griffin has both confirmed that Trump cannot “understand why someone would die for their country,” and that he did not want any visibly wounded veterans marching in his Fourth of July parade.
But this is no big deal because Griffin did not mention getting any proof that Trump called the Marines buried at the Aisne-Marne cemetery “losers” and “suckers.” So, the most “salacious” charge in unproven.
[Griffin] also said that one, or both, sources confirmed some other details in the Atlantic story.
But Griffin said she could not confirm “the most salacious” part of the Atlantic report, which claimed that Trump had called World War I solders buried at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris “losers” and “suckers.”
Notably, Griffin did not tweet that she had failed to confirm the headline claim of the Atlantic piece, which was titled: “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’.”
That’s such a good clean-up job, don’t you think? Isn’t that so much better?
Except, Griffin actually did confirm that Trump sometimes refers to veterans as suckers.
There’s nothing salacious about any of this. It’s one of the least sexy stories I’ve ever seen. Trump avoided Vietnam, which was a judgment call I won’t question. But he did it dishonestly by faking a disability. And he dishonors those who served in his place, including those who died. He has no respect for our military, no understanding of its values, and no reverence for it members’ sacrifice.
His defenders admit this is the case, but complain that a Fox News correspondent didn’t verify that he called them “losers.”
Deep down, they all know it’s true he said it. I keep thinking none of this ever matters, but somehow this seems different. It’s such a sad and despicable spectacle.
Letting go of Trump requires people on the right to acknowledge that their movement is flawed. For those who believe the holy gospel, there’s a sense of needing to defend the indefensible. Hopefully enough will move away from him to create the Democratic landslide that can begin to heal our nation. I believe it will take several good ass whompings before things really change. My sense is that even a narrow win in Texas won’t be enough unless it happens more than once.
Hearing he called veterans “losers” and “suckers” ought to really hit home that Trump cares for nobody except himself.
Millennials have sacrificed quite a bit in the sandbox. Having the president call my high school classmates and family members who served “losers” and “suckers” is keeping my will to see him out that much brighter.
First of all, Trumpolini is an historical ignoramus, and didn’t have the slightest understanding that he was being given the singular honor of paying tribute to the American WWI war dead on the 100th Anniversary of the Second Battle of the Marne, a battle in which the American marines were the decisive last ditch reserve that stopped Hindenburg and Ludendorf”s final massed German offensive on the western front. So the victorious marines were the precise opposite of “Losers”, but a total human failure like Donald Trump could no more comprehend this than he could Einstein’s theory of relativity (probably another “loser”, compared to a real “stable genius”…).
Presumably one of Trump’s ex-generals, Kelly, is the source for this one. He will have to decide if he is going to allow Trump to get away with his denials, or if he is going to go in front of the cameras and say, “yes, the loathsome excuse for a president said this exact statement to me”. Kelly unfortunately seems not really up to such a task. Just as the worthless WH press corps of course has no ability to question Trump on anything. For example, does he deny every single statement that he was reported to have uttered, or only the one about the 1918 war dead being losers?
So of course Trump said all this, it’s of a piece with statements he’s made in the past, and he is a mentally unbalanced walking asshole who thinks he can say whatever shit enters his empty-headed mind. He was allowed to get away with being a yapping fool his whole privileged life, so why would he get any sense or gravitas now? He is like a snotty teenager playing at being prez.
Unfortunately, nothing can actually change much in a race like this now, where white identity and “power” is what is really on the ballot, of all idiocy. The appalling nincompoop Trump has successfully sold himself to the white rubes as the Last White Male Savior of the Golden Past. Thus, serial revelations about what a piece of human trash Trump really is cannot register, other than at the very margins.
It’s quite clear that Trump is not trying to get “re-elected”, because if he were he’d be concerned about having several 5-alarm fires going like this. He is obviously planning to declare that he “won” (the electoral college) on election night, damn whatever the final results may be, and make the nation somehow remove him via force, resulting in a sustained national convulsion. That will be his final gift to our “democracy”..
I agree with the strategy you have laid out for Trump vis a vis this election, but it is really actually stupid. In many of the states that matter we have Democratic governors and SoSs, and the Supreme court for all its faults is not going to suddenly say that mail in ballots are invalid. Why? If they did, they know that they signed the death of the American experiment , and the country would literally be plunged into civil war. Can you really see Roberts doing this? I can’t. So then the ballots get counted, the trumpistas throw a hissy fit but Trump gets marched out if he refused to leave. Maybe I’m wishcasting, but this is how I see that strategy play out.
One thing that can help is that more Democratic states count mail in ballots early , say two weeks before , so there’s a good tally before election day. I am struggling to find good articles on these subjects though.
Hello. Googling will provide a dozen articles detailing worst-case scenarios, if you want to read about possible Trumpian Reichstag Fire strategies.
Trumpolini knows he cannot possibly win the popular vote and doesn’t offer even the slightest pretense that he can. So it’s all about gaming the electoral college and the slates of electors that go to DC.
He’ll contest the final results in purple swing states he loses like PA, MI, NC, FL and WI, challenging that there is no way the final Blue Shift count can be correct because of all the mailed-in DEM VOTE FRAUD!! After litigating half a dozen cases for weeks, he’ll refuse to abide by any state court decisions certifying a count that has him losing. Those Repub state legislatures (and obviously all the Trumpite masses) then back Trump’s refusal to accept the final count as accurate and vote a competing Repub slate of electors, which McConnell quickly says his senate majority will approve, while the House approves the real electors. The corporate media gravely opines each day that Both Sides Do It.
The result? Total deadlock, like 1876. The Trumpian Roberts 5 tell the federal courts to stay out of the matter since, unlike Bush v Gore, there’s a Repub incumbent that “conservatives” want to keep in office. Absolute chaos reigns, and likely political collapse.
Organizations that have gamed the crisis out have concluded that there’s basically no way the law has any power over a president who simply refuses to accept the final state results, as long as he some Repub legislative chamber(s) to back him.
I guess I simply have a hard time believing that the legislatures will deem the result invalid and that the national party will go along with it. I am well aware this is how democracies fail, but I do not believe even the Trumpiest of counties will consider completely and transparently overtaking democracy. Maybe that makes me naive and my optimism is highly misplaced. But we shall soon see. In the meanwhile as I mentioned, best to begin counting before election day if possible in as many states as doable
It is amazing how Trump hangs on to his base no matter what. I continue to believe that Biden has to get out there more or he will lose this thing. It is his to lose and hiding out will lose it for him. Biden does not seem to have the energy to do it. So I become more depressed each day he and Harris are hiding.