Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale is a towering six foot eight inches tall, and he beats his spouse. That’s clear from the police report on a Sunday incident at “the $2.4 million home he shares in Fort Lauderdale’s Seven Isles with his wife, Candice.”
Officers also wrote in their reports that Parscale’s wife told them he had post-traumatic stress disorder and had become violent in recent weeks. Candice Parscale, 41, showed them bruises on her arms from an argument two days prior, they said. Police say they took photos of injuries.
“While speaking with Candace Parscale I noticed several large sized contusions on both of her arms, her cheek and forehead,” wrote Detective Steven Smith, slightly misspelling her first name. “When I asked how she received the bruising, Candace Parscale stated Brad Parscale hits her.”
Parscale’s wife told them her husband had not hit her Sunday, but had smacked her phone out of her hand when she tried to call his father.
Parscale was having a bad day, but it got worse after he locked and loaded a gun during an argument with Candice and she responded by fleeing the home.
Officers say they were first called to the Parscale home around 3:36 p.m. Sunday by a neighbor who’d encountered Candice Parscale. When they arrived, police said the two women were in a parked car outside the couple’s home. Officers said Parscale’s wife told them the couple had been arguing and her husband had pulled out a handgun and loaded it.
She also told him that he was suicidal and may have fired the gun as she was leaving, but he was still alive because she had heard him “ranting and pacing around the residence.”
Reached by phone inside the home, he sounded drunk and defiant, but he eventually emerged into the driveway smelling of alcohol with a beer in his hand. Then things got ugly.
In reports released Monday, police documented a tense scene in which Parscale — after possibly firing a shot inside his house — refused to leave and was ultimately tackled by SWAT officers on his driveway when he emerged shirtless with a beer in his hand.
“I initiated a double leg take down,” wrote Sgt. Matthew Moceri, one of the responding officers.
I have sympathy for the mentally ill and would never joke about suicide, but I have no pity for wife-beaters. Brad Parscale is a garbage human being, and he’s been involuntarily committed at Broward Health Medical Center for his own safety.
Of course, the Trump campaign blames this all on liberals and Never Trumpers.
Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, wished Parscale well Sunday and blamed Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans for the incident.
“Brad Parscale is a member of our family and we all love him,” Murtaugh said. “We are ready to support him and his family in any way possible. The disgusting, personal attacks from Democrats and disgruntled RINOs have gone too far, and they should be ashamed of themselves for what they’ve done to this man and his family.”
To repeat, the only disgusting thing here is that a 6’8″ man would lay his hands on a woman. But that’s not why Parscale was fired by the campaign. He was enriching himself to a ludicrous degree with money from Trump’s campaign, and that didn’t sit well with the president or, no doubt his numerous creditors, which no doubt includes Russian mafia members.
For Parscale, who just a few years ago was designing websites in San Antonio for Trump’s properties, among other clients, the sudden wealth has afforded him a $2.4 million waterfront house in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a pair of million-dollar condos, a brand new $400,000 boat, and another half-million dollars in luxury cars, including a Range Rover and a Ferrari.
It’s a mystery why Trump allowed Parscale to steal from him so flagrantly for so long, but now he can strong-arm the money back if he wants to. All he has to do is tell Boris and Ivan to collect his debts from his dismissed campaign manager, and perhaps they paid him a visit to do exactly that. That could make any man suicidal, although it’s no reason to pull a gun on your wife.
This show is going to have more spin offs than any show in history.
There’s also the Cambridge Analytica story that dropped today. I believe he was knee deep in that shit back in 2016
These guys are constantly proving that money cannot, does not and will not make one happy.
I’m shocked, shocked, that a hulking conservative white male is a wife-beater!
Human trash, irredeemable. But who the hell else would serve Trumpolini as master? The nauseating explosion of “luxury” consumption as a result of Big Brad’s embezzlement marks him as just another vulgar peasant conman in a web of organized crime. A Perfect Trumpite!
It also appears the wife-beater has perjured himself before Congress and needs to face charges, should America ever have a functioning DOJ and non-corrupt AG ever again. If Biden is somehow seated as president, the entire federal government will have to be de-Trumpified. (I’d start using that word immediately, Joe. Such as: “My promise to you if I’m elected president is that we will engage in the de-Trumpification of government”.)
And if the “conservative” criminals (like Parscale) aren’t held accountable this time, then one really does need to start looking for an escape plan, because that will demonstrate that our “elites” simply cannot be reformed…
From Vanity Fair:
According to the source close to the campaign, the Trump family is worried that Parscale could turn on them and cooperate with law enforcement about possible campaign finance violations. “The family is worried Brad will start talking,” the source said.
In other words: there are campaign violations.
I can’t get over the thought–based on the story of Lara Trump’s and Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Parscale-paid salaries–that he’s been involved in routing millions from the the campaign not only to himself but to the Trump family and businesses. Trump may demote him or fire him from the campaign staff, whether in a fit of anger because Parscale’s mistake made him look like an idiot in Tulsa or in an effort to detach himself from an unattractive news story, but he never does fire Parscale’s company, which continues to be a vendor.