It’s Saturday evening, and it’s unclear whether the president of the United States is at serious risk of dying. I could offer my best guess as to his condition, but it’s probably a pointless exercise because even high-ranking people in the White House have no idea.

Several White House aides also said they also did not have confidence in what they were being told by other officials.

“I can tell you what I am hearing, but I honestly have no idea if it’s right,” said one senior administration official close to the president. “A lot of people aren’t even telling other people in the building the truth.”

In most circumstances, the obvious lying and obfuscation surrounding the president’s health would be a sure sign that they’re trying to hide bad news, but this crew of thugs lies even when it’s in their best interests to tell the truth. Also, they’re lying in part to cover over their irresponsible behavior which has resulted in at least two dozen needless infections that we already know about, including at least eleven people who set-up and planned the presidential debate in Cleveland on Tuesday.

It appears likely that Trump knew he had COVID-19 earlier than he let on, making his subsequent choice to put people at risk a deliberate and potentially criminal act. Therefore, there are both legal and political reasons to obscure the truth about the actual timeline of events.

This is consistent with the seemingly sudden and severe onset of symptoms which typically do not result in immediate hospitalization. We’re not getting a straight story from anyone, but it now seems likely that Trump needed supplemental oxygen prior to going to Walter Reed medical center, and also that he had heart palpitations and a high fever.

He was able to sit, in suit and tie, to deliver a message to the nation from the presidential suite at the hospital on Saturday night. He looked pale, his voice was raspy, and at one point it appeared he was suppressing an urge to vomit, but he otherwise seemed lucid and as a rather subdued version of his normal self. He obviously isn’t intubated at the moment, so that’s a positive from the perspective of his prospects for recovery.

He’s clearly very sick, and the decision to treat him with monoclonal antibodies (REGN-COV2), an experimental treatment that has been administered on a “compassionate” basis to “fewer than 10 other people,” according to drug company spokesperson Alexandra Bowie, indicates his doctors were at one point facing a desperate situation. That impression is bolstered by the decision to treat him with remdesivir,

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that patients receiving remdesivir recovered in 11 days, compared with 15 days for those who received a placebo. However, that study found the medication to be most effective for hospitalized patients with severe disease requiring supplemental oxygen.

The drug is administered intravenously over the course of five days. There is no evidence that it reduces the mortality rate, but it does seem to help those who recover to recover faster. The main point, however, is that it’s is normally used only on people who are already in desperate straits.

Obviously, at Trump’s age and body mass, he’s at high-risk of succumbing to COVID-19. Some experts put his odds of death as high as 30 percent, although he presumably has the best available treatment.

One thing I know is that you can’t spin this disease. If he dies, he dies, and if he recovers, he recovers. We will get our answer on that, one way or that other.