Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life.
Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).
Somehow, I forgot to publish this one as intended. This has been a very hectic week for me. I’ll chalk it up to trying to put out too many fires and the anxiety over what was then an upcoming medical test that could have had some potentially ugly consequences (it appears I may have lucked out). Let’s just say everyday feels like midweek anymore.
Quite the day, Monday. Went through the first of who knows how many phlebotomies. Then was visited by one of my kids. Those of us in my household then drove to one of our nearby polling locations and voted. Lots of conversation after that. Bought some pizzas (that was not going to be the day to even ponder dietary changes), and then my eldest (who was here to visit) drove back home. Not a bad day.
Somehow, I forgot to publish this one as intended. This has been a very hectic week for me. I’ll chalk it up to trying to put out too many fires and the anxiety over what was then an upcoming medical test that could have had some potentially ugly consequences (it appears I may have lucked out). Let’s just say everyday feels like midweek anymore.
REM’s cover of “Strange” (as a southerner, I loved this cover):
Quite the day, Monday. Went through the first of who knows how many phlebotomies. Then was visited by one of my kids. Those of us in my household then drove to one of our nearby polling locations and voted. Lots of conversation after that. Bought some pizzas (that was not going to be the day to even ponder dietary changes), and then my eldest (who was here to visit) drove back home. Not a bad day.