Do you care what happens to Fox News if Donald Trump loses the election? Once you think about this question for a minute or two, it kind of becomes obvious that you should. On the one hand, we already have the Tea Party experience from 2009 to help us imagine the future under a Biden presidency. On the other, there’s this:

One way or another, Trump is almost certain to attempt to maintain some kind of a media presence when he leaves office, so Fox probably will have to contend with him — whether it’s as a contributor on its own airwaves or a competitor.

[Rupert] Murdoch has stopped speaking as frequently as he once did with Trump, but his associates say that those conversations probably will pick up again after Nov. 3, when Trump will either be a second-term president or a free agent on the media circuit.

“Maybe Rupert can just back the truck up and pay Trump to appear on Fox’s air at will,” [Jonathan] Klein,  [a former president of CNN], said. “Trump might prefer that to the rigors of having to actually run an actual business.”

This makes is obvious why Trump can’t be allowed to escape justice. It’s a question of national security. Trump’s version of the Tea Party is outright white nationalist fascism. If he merges that with the imperatives of Fox‘s business imperatives, we have a murderous brew that can lead to widespread violence.

Trump needs to be defeated and then he needs to have all his crimes exposed and go to jail. Fox News and the Republican Party need to retool without him, for their good and for the good of the country and the world.