Somehow 74,222,593 just voted for a man who is certifiably insane and grossly malevolent in almost every action he takes. Reading about Trump’s post-election mindset and behavior from people inside the White House in a position to witness it firsthand is simply terrifying.

He has five weeks remaining as the most powerful man on Earth and there is simply no telling what he might do in that time. He has what can only be called a fleeting and tenuous grip on reality, and a seemingly unquenchable thirst for revenge. Off and on, he threatens not to leave the White House willingly. He just fired the attorney general after gutting the senior leadership at the Pentagon and installing his cronies.

As bad as this is, it’s still far better than him being reelected, and that came very close to happening. Almost 75 million people actually wanted that outcome. This is a level of mass hysteria not seen in the West since 1930’s Germany, and we know what level of force it took to beat that down, and also what it cost in lives, treasure and infrastructure.

This is a sickness that will not heal itself. I wish Biden luck as he tries to unify this country, and he’s the right person for giving it a college try. I don’t think it will work out, and I have no interest in going easy on this political movement in the interest of comity. They’re dangerous and they can easily grow much more so.

They’re following a man who is out of his mind:

The Electoral College’s affirmation of President-elect Joe Biden’s win this week did not appear enough to shake Trump from his delusions of victory, but it is adding urgency to a push by several of his advisers to gently steer Trump toward reality. Several of his closest allies have urged him to move on from his efforts to contest the election and begin planning his post-White House political future — including a potential 2024 run.
Yet even amid the intractable movement of the transition and the hurried lame-duck activity — some of which he is participating in himself — Trump is steadfastly refusing to acknowledge that he lost…

…While Trump had begun to privately accept the reality that he lost the election late last month, advisers say Trump has now reversed and dug in deeper — not only spreading misinformation about the election, but ingesting it himself.
“He’s been fed so much misinformation that I think he actually thinks this thing was stolen from him,” a Trump adviser said of the President.
He has criminals lining up in search of impunity for their crimes, but he’s mostly bent on making people pay for their disloyalty.
President Donald Trump may not be willing to accept his term is ending, but as the clock ticks down on his time in office, hundreds of his allies — including some of his closest business associates and many high-profile criminals — are ramping up their efforts to squeeze out the final ounces of his presidential power…
…Trump is mulling the pardons at a juncture when loyalty appears his principal concern, complaining repeatedly over the past weeks that Republicans are deserting him when he needed them to help overturn the election results.
He has largely frozen out those advisers and associates who do not seem on the same page. One person who used to speak to Trump regularly, but who delicately encouraged him to soften his post-election stance, no longer has his calls returned and hasn’t heard from Trump in weeks.
My ancestors faced down the Confederacy and the fascists. I never thought my son might have to do the same, but that’s where this is headed. Trump cannot escape justice, and his political movement cannot be treated as politically, morally or legally valid. These are not political opponents but people in the throes of a feverish evil that rejects even the most basic premise of representative democracy, which is that the party with the most votes gets to govern.
I really hope Biden can find a way out of this but I am certain it cannot be done by trying to make nice. At least, an open hand by itself will not work unless the other hand brings the hammer down on those who are working to subvert our country’s laws, security, culture, and values.