Midweek Cafe and Lounge, Vol. 197

Hey all!

Today marks the transition from a long national (and global) nightmare to the Biden Administration. I’d like to start with something that I think is in tune with the new vibe that is just starting to take form:

And to give an idea of the tone that we’re already seeing, even before Biden and Harris assume their offices and responsibilities, their leading a memorial for those who have died from COVID-19. It was moving, to say the least.

In the meantime, we do have the waning hours of the the term of the Great Orange Menace. Let’s get a couple more roasts in. Let’s start with Seth Meyers:

Trevor Noah has his say:

Colbert weighs in:

The jukebox is working and the bar is open. Let’s celebrate. Healing will take time and be very difficult.

Hang in there.


Author: Don Durito

Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life. Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).

16 thoughts on “Midweek Cafe and Lounge, Vol. 197”

  1. So, quite a day. We somehow managed the transition from one administration to another. The inaugural speech was dignified. Biden signed the sort of executive orders I’d have expected him to straightaway. The Senate was finally organized enough to confirm the first of Biden’s Cabinet members. We got a sane press briefing by new Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and an announcement that those would become daily again. It was all so mundane. I don’t know quite what to make of it, after four years of mayhem, but I think I can get used to this.

  2. I know I’m supposed to be feeling better about everything since Trump was sent packing, and I guess in a very general way that is true.

    But I find myself seesawing primarily between anger and depression on a daily basis. The sheer scale of what’s been brought upon this country is unfathomable. I don’t know if I will ever not be angry again.

    1. For me the gnawing anxiety is gone, which is a very good thing. I do find myself shaking my head a lot given the sheer scope of the damage done, and I am very concerned about having a major party that is the equivalent to the ruling parties of Hungary and Turkey in terms of their anti-democratic positions (and equally concerned about the damage home grown terrorists can do). We are not out of the woods by a long shot. So while I don’t find myself doom scrolling Twitter and news feeds anymore, and am a bit calmer, I am also more easily angered. I know I could be very abrasive in the aftermath of 2016’s election, but when I see folks who clearly have no idea of how much goes into the process of a bill becoming a law, I just want to explode.

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