It was 10:30 in the morning on January 13, 2021, and former Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania was appearing with CNN’s Erin Burnett and Anderson Cooper as they watched the U.S. House of Representatives impeach President Donald John Trump for a second time. Trump was charged with inciting an insurrection a week prior at the Capitol in a doomed effort to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the presidential election.
Republican Tom Cole, a jovial 10-term congressman from Oklahoma, had just spoken on the House floor: “Mr. Speaker, there’s still a way to unite the country. Let us look forward, not backward. Let us come together, not apart. Let us celebrate the peaceful transition of power to a new president rather than impeaching an old president.”
A little more than five years earlier, Dent, then a member of the centrist Republican Main Street Partnership and Tuesday Group, had been shaken by the sudden resignation of Speaker of the House John Boehner. He was even more disturbed when his preferred successor, Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California, dropped out of the running in that face of a conservative revolt. Dent then recommended that Cole or 2012 vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan succeed Boehner.
It was Ryan who got the job, but Ryan too proved too moderate for conservatives’ tastes and announced his retirement in April 2018. That was the last straw for Dent and, frustrated with the direction of his party, he quit mid-term in May 2018.
Now, a visibly upset Dent was telling CNN’s Burnett that no more than 10 to 20 of his former Republican colleagues would vote to impeach the president.
This is a time that I think that members need to stand up. Sometimes in order to save — you know, they need to — they shouldn’t be worrying about their jobs right now, they should be doing the right thing. They all know that…
…You know, I’m watching, right now, National Guardsmen, you know, sleeping in the Visitor Center of the U.S. Capitol right now.
The last time there were troops in the Capitol like this, stationed there, actually sleeping there, was right when Abraham Lincoln called the — the troops to defend the Capitol. I know that because the first unit to respond was the Allen Rifles from my hometown of Allentown, Pennsylvania. This is a very critical moment for these members. You know, this is — you know, they have to risk their jobs in order to save it. This is the time.
In the end, the number was ten. As for Cole, he had surprisingly voted not to certify the election results in Arizona and Pennsylvania. He later explained that he’d considered changing his position after rioters stormed the Capitol, killing one and injuring 140 Capitol Police officers, and terrorizing congressmembers and their staffs. “It was a tough call. I went back and forth on whether or not I should do it. But the sentiment in my district was very strong,” Cole said.
Perhaps Cole’s cowardice was explained by the fact they he and his staff had been trapped inside his office during the insurrection and listened to the terrorists call out his name as they pounded on his door.
Many Democrats share Dent’s disappointment with Cole. “A couple of them have had questions, and I’ve patiently sat down and explained to them,” Cole said.
But there’s no adequate explanation. It doesn’t matter what the sentiment is or was in Cole’s Oklahoma district. The objection to the certification of the presidential election was based entirely on lies, and those lies led to a violent attack and an attempted coup.
That a consensus-minded institutionalist like Cole capitulated to these lies is an indicator of just how far the GOP has gone off the rails.
More evidence came on Thursday when Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi gave a press conference and announced the she would seek supplemental funding to protect members of Congress not only from future riots but from each other: “The enemy is within the House of Representatives, a threat that members are concerned about, in addition to what is happening outside.”
Pelosi noted that some members of her caucus have recently purchased bulletproof vests because they’re concerned they may be shot by Republican colleagues. Of particular concern is Republican Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland’s Eastern Shore who nearly started a fistfight on the House floor on the night of the insurrection and subsequently set off the metal detectors while trying to illegally carry a gun into the House chamber.
Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy, the guy centrist Charlie Dent once thought would be a good replacement for Boehner, joined Cole in his coup attempt and, far from supporting impeachment, spent Thursday visiting with Trump at Mar-a-Lago and plotting an electoral strategy for the 2022 midterms. Here’s how historian Michael Beschloss characterized the situation.
It’s hard to imagine relations on the Hill getting much worse. Cole describes the environment as “pretty raw” but says the country has seen more difficult times. Perhaps he has in mind the 1856 caning of Massachusetts abolitionist Charles Sumner on the Senate floor. If so, he has company in Republican Rep. Paul Gosar who responded when asked by the Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers if we’re headed toward a civil war by saying, “We’re in it. We just haven’t started shooting at each other yet.”
And, yet the tone is much different at the White House where the talk is still about unity and Press Secretary Jen Psaki goes to the podium each day to present a smiling, optimistic face to the world.
The contrast couldn’t be starker, and maybe President Biden is naïve to think he can steer the government back on course. It should be clear though, that he has to try.
It’s stunning. I’ve seen some tense times but this is just … something else. It’s like the GOP is going through withdrawal–and relapsing.
I’m waiting for Biden to say enough is enough. I’d love to see him begin to do fireside chats. Call out the Republicans for their obstruction and ask the people to make a good faith showing of their desire for unity by calling their Republican congressfolk and demanding cooperation. No doubt there’d be much push back and a movement to fire up the phones in the other direction too but maybe we’d have a fighting chance of getting a few to act in good faith on a vote or two.
I still have absolutely no fucking god damn clue why the Democratic Party hasn’t just done this, over and over and over and over for the past 10 years.
Speak to Americans like adults, tell them exactly how the Republican Party is attempting to fuck them over, and say it again the next day, etc.
It strikes me that this is a classic “do your job” moment for Washington Democrats.
It’s not Biden’s job to police the halls of Congress for illegally armed Republicans. That’s the job of House and Senate Democrats, particularly leadership, along with the Capitol Police. If Andy Harris and Lauren Boebert (for example) are illegally carrying guns in the Capitol and/or on the streets of DC, then figure out how to get the proper authorities to arrest, try, convict, and punish them.
Biden’s got his own work to do, including standing up/staffing his government and pushing through a major Covid relief bill in the next month, with or without Republican support.
I hope Biden knows what he is doing. If he does not meet his objectives and the working people suffer more it will be like 2010 all over again only worse, Democrats can’t even eliminate the filibuster due to two jackasses and have to rely on reconciliation for the big one and that is likely not to be enough— sound familiar? It is all about bi partisan support. Here we go.
I remember many of my Democratic friends had a Sky is Falling siege mentality before the 2020 elections. It was not as close as the 2016. (However the fact that 74M voted that way, after 4 years of chaos, is something deeply concerning)
I am not sure the parallel with 2010 also stands. Obama, for multiple reasons, tried to be much more accommodating to the Republicans – I remember the Healthcare Summit he called to hear Republican senators; the meeting with conservatives like Andrew Sullivan, etc. – even in the face of openly declared opposition from the Republican Senators – MoscowMitch saying he will be a 1-term president, Charles Grassley calling him intellectually dishonest. I don’t see Biden doing any of that. Also it seems Biden is clear on the economic package – Go Big or Go Home. Unlike the timidness that Obama displayed – when Krugman had already been calling for a much bigger effort. This is not your 2009’s Obama administration!
We will see but I hope u are right. I just don’t see bi partisan approach helping if u need sixty votes. Reconciliation should get him the first shot which will go a long way but he will need more. But even that is already starting to drag along.
The 2020 election was much closer than it was in 2016.
43,000 votes over 3 states, and the election goes to the House, who elects Trump for his second term.
~43,000 votes out of ~158,000,000 votes cast = 0.003%
That’s how close Trump was to winning.
It doesn’t matter if 200 million Californians vote for the Democrat.
What is the 43,000 votes in 3 states?
In 2016 here are the stats in terms of electoral college votes:
State Margin of Trump over Clinton
PA 44,312
WI 22,177
MI 10,704
Total 77,193
What are your comparisons for 2020?
Also here are the 2020 statewise numbers:
State Margin of Biden over Trump
PA 80,555
WI 20,682
MI 154,188
I am adding 3 other states for good measure:
GA 11,779
AZ 10,457
NV 33,596
Without those 3 states, it’s 269-269, and the House re-elects Trump.
~43,000 votes out of ~158,000,000
Much closer than 2016. 0.003% of all votes cast are why Biden is in office.
It doesn’t matter if 200,000,000 Californians vote for the Democrat.
Honestly, I have no idea where this is headed. I have zero faith in the majority of the members of Congress to do what is necessary to even try to stanch this national hemorrhage which is underway right now. Where I live it is undeniable that the right wing is preparing for an all out war against people like me. I took my regular walk in the nearby woods a little earlier, just me and the dog. For the entire time we were walking there was the constant rattle of high caliber weaponry echoing from not too far away. This is pretty much a common event around here now, especially on the weekends. Even last night, as I was preparing to go to bed at 11:00 P.M., I could hear gunfire in the distance. On the short trip home my curiosity got the better of me and I drove around looking for the source. It didn’t take me long to find it. Less than a couple of miles from where I live there is a small little rundown, frame house on a corner where two rural roads intersect. A huge Trump 2020 banner still hangs from the front porch rail, alongside a smaller Confederate flag. On the porch were three guys, shooting into the embankment across the creek that runs in front of their house. They had been there for at least a couple of hours. I drove on by and headed toward home. As I sit here typing this, the shooting is still going on. I can’t help but wonder what kind of conversations are taking place on that porch.
Meanwhile, a local guy is under house arrest right now, and wearing a court ordered GPS ankle bracelet, after leaving a long rant on the voicemail at our local Dem office last week, sprinkled with explicit death threats and a declaration that he is now ready to fight a civil war against us. He has a preliminary court hearing on Tuesday.
This is now our country, and I don’t have the faintest clue what the future holds for it.
Sounds like I feel especially when you hear people like Greene and watch her trail her victim down a street and realize some of these people want to carry weapons in congress. I suspect there will be gunfire in anger in some places. I have no earthly idea where it goes from there. Nowhere good for sure. So much more important to get Bidens agenda rolling if only to avert a civil war for real.
$10,000 to every US Adult, no means testing. Costs $1.8T, helps everyone.
That should be the first thing passed. 1 page long bill.
Second bill should be $1T bill to help fund local/city/state government and first responders/healthcare.
Third bill should be providing free COVID vaccines to everyone ASAP.
I have a feeling it wasn’t “high caliber” ammo being fired, because that stuff is extremely expensive right now. If they were shooting constantly over hours, it was probably .22LR ammo. Just sayin’, because ammo prices are extremely high.
Most importantly, liberals need to get over the whole GUNS BAD thing. I’m sorry to have to say this, but being able to safely own and operate a firearm is not just a right, it’s a responsibility.
You’re right, they are ready to fight a “civil war”, but it won’t be pitched battles, it’ll be assassinations and guerilla warfare/insurgencies when it happens. Sticking to the whole “ban semi-automatic guns” schtick is a hilariously tragic own-goal at this point.
I understand your point of view, but I’m not speaking from a place of ignorance here. I own and shoot a wide variety of weapons, up to and including those that my fellow liberals label as “assault weapons”. I am not the least bit fearful about the right to own and shoot legal weapons. I do it all the time. I’ve had a conceal carry permit since the state of Ohio began issuing them. I am the furthest thing from a “GUNS BAD” person. So I can assure you that my observation on the calibers of weapons being shot all around me on a regular basis is correct. Yes, ammo is expensive, yet it all continues to be sold out as soon as it hits the shelf here. Everyone puts restrictions now on the amount that can be purchased, due to the high demand. I was in the local outdoor store picking up some very hard to find .380 auto recently, and the line waiting to pick up guns at the gun counter snaked halfway through the very large store. They now dispense numbers to those waiting, just like they do at the deli at Kroger for people to buy their lunch meat and cheese. They had restocked 9mm ammo and it was being snatched up as soon as it was put on the shelves. They were putting them out about 50 boxes at a time. It is all gone in a matter of a couple of days, even with the 2 box per person limit. I have bought a wide range of ammo calibers for many, many years, often by the 1000 round case. You could always place an order online and pick it up the next day. Those days are history, for now. I have never seen it like this. This is not unique to my state, it is happening all over the country.
As for the “civil war”, yes, it will be assassinations and guerilla war style tactics. I’m not sure why that is supposed to give me some measure of comfort. Spend some time like I do hanging around gun stores and gun ranges and listen to the conversations. If I could let you listen to the voice mail message left at our Dem office last week, and show you some of the letters that have shown up in our PO box, you would understand why the things I am seeing and hearing scare the shit out of me, as they should everyone who shares our politics and is publicly involved in Democratic circles. The numbers of these people are not relatively large, but they are the most fiercely fanatical and delusional group of people one can imagine. And they are fetishizing the killing of Democrats.
As for the whole “ban semi-auto weapons” thing, I agree that the whole notion is absolute foolishness. I wish Democrats would come to the realization that fantasy is not possible. If it ever was possible, that genie left the bottle a long time ago, and you are not going to put it back. So that is just not going to happen. Democrats need to take off the blinders about what we are dealing with here and figure out how best to protect the people who are exercising their Constitutional rights of free speech and assembly, and the right to just hold a differing opinion without fear that someone is going to walk up and put a bullet in your head or do a drive-by when you’re holding a monthly Democratic Executive Committee meeting in a public place. Those are the kinds of things our local Democratic Party is having to concern itself with these days. If we spent even half of the time and energy protecting those rights as we do our Second Amendment right, we would be a whole lot farther down the road toward having a stable country that is not teetering on the precipice of open warfare.
Well, if you know guns and heard high caliber rounds being fired, I’ll believe you. I just kinda assume that most liberals who are “against” guns don’t really know what they’re talking about, because most of the time, they don’t.
We’ve spoken directly before on the Booman Tribune. I’m from Cincinnati, born and raised, moved to Atlanta 10 years ago, where I still reside. I know just how Red the Cincy Northern suburbs are, and I don’t negate your fears as a Democratic “Operative” in that area. It takes fucking guts to do what you do, and I thank you. Unfortunately, I think Ohio is a Red State now, and I’m also relieved that I’ve been able to help turn Georgia into a Purple State. Of course, just like everywhere else, outside of the Urban areas in Georgia, it’s…well, Georgia. But with net population growth, and mostly to cities, I think Georgia is turning blue. What I’m afraid of is Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania turning Red. We can talk about the “Blue Texas” dream all we want, but Texas is Texas. WI, and MI flipping is a possibility and a fucking nightmare scenario, since GA and AZ are at best Purple, and probably reddish-purple, for now.
Also, I wasn’t trying to bring any comfort to you with the whole Assassinations and Insurgency thing, I’m just saying that the next Civil War won’t be pitched battles like the first one. Which is why I hope that liberals understand that trying to ban “guns” is, as you and I’ve said, just bad policy. It’ll never happen, ever, and at this point, in case anyone hasn’t seen the 2020 vote count for Trump or the 1.6.21 Insurrection, it’s become a RESPONSIBILITY to own and operate a firearm, for your own protection, and the country. It has been since September of 2015, but it’s pretty clear now where we’re heading as a country.
All it will take is a “decent” economic downturn with “SleepyJoe” as President for the 75M domestic terrorists to re-awaken, and yes, anyone who voted for Trump in fucking 2020 is a domestic terrorist, I don’t give a fuck about any of their “reasons”. They are actively voting to kill this country and an opportunity to kill you. Believe that.
Again, I’ve been coming here to read Booman for, about a decade or longer now, and also to read your comments, because you walk the walk, and you’re from my former hometown-ish. Stay safe out there. I’m glad you have your CCW and I hope you exercise that, because, no shit and I’m sure you know, your activity makes you a target.
These are not good times, at all. We didn’t wallop Trump. We lost House Seats and barely won control of the Senate, kinda-sorta. The “Demographic Dream” and the “Blue Texas” dream are both just that – dreams, and 2022 will be much more important, in the long-term, than 2020. Thanks again for your work.