It’s another mid-week. I hope you are staying warm where you are. Right now, that might be a bit easier said than done! In a few days it’s back to something more typical.
I try to bring some different flavors of music when I put these together. I thought I’d throw something a good deal more experimental your way. This is Rosie Bergonzi performing Child of Tree, originally composed by John Cage.
I find this to be quite becalming. And yes, she does play cactus needles. There was an artist who used to go by the name Hands To, who released an EP called Egress that was nothing but two extended pieces of amplified cactus needles. For those into found sounds and ambient music, this stuff might be up your alley.
I am no musicologist nor am I a musician. I am someone who just gets curious about how far we can push the boundaries of what gets called music. When I started asking that question a fairly long time ago, I started getting answers, and have had a good time along the way.
The bar is open and the jukebox is working, unless those darned rolling blackouts hit again. In the meantime, stay safe and warm.
So, Rush Limbaugh died.
Yep. His legacy of mainstreaming fringe ideas and promoting what David Neiwert once called pseudo-fascism will outlive him for a long time to come.
So, you might want to bookmark this site.
Cleanup on aisle 45 continues, including internationally.
Nice to have the snow melted off. It does take a bit to melt off roughly a foot snow. Looking like we’ll experience something more akin to a typical late February.
How about some sounds from Mars?