Hi everyone! Welcome back to the frog pond. Set a spell.

I thought I’d begin with an Oblique Strategy that seems perfectly appropriate for the middle of the week, or really any time of a week, month, or phase of life:


Although the original deck of cards was developed by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt primarily as a means of breaking creative blocks experienced by musicians, I find them helpful as a non-musician. I’ve never seen any of the original decks that were printed in the 1970s (if you can find them, they fetch a high price), but I’ve seen versions of Oblique Strategies pretty much since the start of the Worldwide Web back in the 1990s. I think I saw the first random Oblique Strategies generator online around 1996 or 1997. That website of course is long gone. Turned out to be useful as I worked to complete a graduate program.

A friend of mine created a shiny app of the Oblique Strategies right before 2020, and highly recommend it. The interface is very minimalistic, which is ideal from my vantage point.

Anyway, I just thought I’d share just a bit more of what makes your friendly neighborhood Cafe/Lounge host tick. I’ve been an Eno fan since I purchased my first David Bowie LP (Lodger) back around the start of 1980, and I’d learn about Oblique Strategies a little bit later. Enjoy your favorite beverage, and if you’re in a bit of a creative jam, draw an Oblique Strategy and see where it leads.

The bar is open, and the jukebox is working. Stay safe and stay well.
