When someone from the Cheney family is the protagonist, you know you’re living in a horror show. It is not a good thing that Rep. Liz Cheney is about to be defenestrated. The country would certainly be better off if she kept her position in the House Republicans’ leadership.


What happened to this country? Where’s the sparkle? Where’s the spring in our step? It’s darker ’round here these days than a black steer’s tuckus on a moonless prairie night.

I’m forced to defend Liz Cheney because the alternative is infinitely worse.

Anyway, she’s toast.

The House Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy of California, was just caught on a hot mic in the Fox News studio saying he’s “had it” with Cheney and that someone ought to file a motion to strip her of her job as the House Republican Conference Chair.

There’s no walking that back. Not only will the motion be introduced but it will succeed.

Cheney’s guilty of insisting that the 2020 presidential election was on the up-and-up and that the January 6 insurrection was a serious crime for which Trump should be held accountable. Those are intolerable positions for a Republican to hold right now and expect to lead anyone.

I don’t know what Cheney will do. She’ll probably lose her seat in a primary if she tries to hold on to it. She’s not welcome in the Democratic Party, nor would she want to join even if invited.

I guess the more interesting thing is what banishing Cheney will do for the GOP’s ability to hold on to traditional Republicans in the “let’s invade Iraq and torture some folks” mold.  The neoconservatives were always delusional about what America can and should do abroad but they aren’t even on the same playing field of crazy as the QAnon and MAGA crowd. Most of them left the party during Trump’s first term, so I guess Liz can join the crowd.

I don’t know if something like the Lincoln Project would appeal to her.

This country is so screwed.