I just took a couple days off and went to the Jersey Shore to recharge my batteries. I didn’t consume much news while I was gone, although I did do a quick tour of the headlines on Tuesday night while I was getting ready to go to sleep. Even then, though, I restricted myself mostly to big ticket items like Israeli politics and the latest from Biden’s tour of Europe, so I haven’t been following the tick-tock of Republican insanity on the domestic front.

Now that I’m back, I just subjected myself to this nonsense after having more than a 48 hour break from it, and it’s remarkable how sick it makes me. It really heightens my awareness of how damaging it is to constantly read about stupid mean people doing stupid mean things that have no logical value. It does more than sap my spirit. It saps my faith in humanity.

It also makes something else clear. People often sensibly advise me that I should take a break from politics even though financially that’s never a viable option. But it’s not really politics that I need to avoid. It’s a very specific subcategory of politics that’s killing me. We could define this as Republican strategy. It’s not that they want to win that bothers me, but how they go about it and, most importantly, the fact that it is so effective.

If the most important thing is keeping Republicans out of power, and it is, then we can never get too far away from engaging with their strategy for gaining power. And their strategy is not just thoroughly dishonest but laser-focused on exposing and exploiting all the worst human emotions and all the worst logical fallacies. You can’t get anywhere by wishing people would be less selfish, braver, more self-confident, less petty, or generally better at basic reasoning. In fact, because the GOP is so good at amplifying these human faults, the electorate is kind of inexorably growing meaner and dumber. The job of steering them in a better direction gets harder every day, and it’s this constant type of losing that’s more depressing than any transitory disappointment at the ballot box.

I put a lot of hope in better leadership pushing people back toward sanity and decency, but when I see things still slipping even under new leadership, that’s when I struggle to maintain my optimism. This is why each new example of Republicans doing or saying something mean or stupid is demoralizing. It’s fresh evidence that nothing is working.