I never liked Bob Dole. I never agreed with his politics. But I used to have a begrudging respect for the guy. His body was wrecked by Nazis in Italy during the war, and he never let that stop him from pursuing a full and purposeful life. Sometimes he could be a little bitter about it, but I never faulted him for that. I actually think he’s got a much better sense of humor than people give him credit for. He’s 98 years old now, and I’m ordinarily willing to offer anyone that age a giant benefit of the doubt if they start acting funny. That’s pretty close to the upper limit of how long a human brain can do its job.

But Dole is virtually alone among former leaders of the Republican Party in sticking with Trump through thick and thin. He still calls himself a Trumper, even after the insurrection, although he says he’s feeling “Trumped out.” I can’t excuse this.

To me, it’s like he took a gigantic smelly dump all over his entire life, career and legacy, including his sacrifices, his service, and all his accomplishments. When Dole dies, we’ll read about his long political career but we’ll also read that he backed Trump until the end, and that’s what really matters.

Because in supporting Trump he’s shown that he won’t defend this country when it’s under threat. He did it as a young man and that’s why I respected him and forgave him many of his trespasses, but it’s all for naught because with the benefit of age he gained no courage and even less wisdom.

I no longer respect him. I hold him in utter contempt. Every other Republican clan came around eventually to the realization that the party has drifted too far out of reality. The Eisenhower kids saw enough with George W. Bush and endorsed Obama. Nancy Reagan and the Bush clan saw enough with Trump. The same is true of John McCain and his family, and Mitt Romney. Liz Cheney is bucking with her party as we speak, and will serve on the January 6 committee.

I’m a Democrat. I have fought against these people my entire adult life, but I recognize and value their dissent. Dole is in a different category. He’s alone and it’s glaring.

He’s disgraced himself and it’s too late for redemption.