Let’s go!

Nancy “the Magician” Pelosi has struck again, and Joe Biden’s presidency has been rescued from the brink. In a 220-212 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives just adopted a budget reconciliation plan that will do more to transform this country than anything since The New Deal.

House Democrats on Tuesday approved a roughly $3.5 trillion budget that could enable sweeping changes to the nation’s healthcare, education and tax laws, overcoming internal divisions in a debate that could foreshadow even tougher battles still to come.

The 220-212 vote came after days of delays as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) scrambled to stave off a revolt from her party’s moderate-leaning lawmakers. With the frenzy resolved, the chamber averted what would have been a political embarrassment to take the next step in enacting President Biden’s broader economic agenda.

She’s smarter than I am. I hadn’t considered that she could promise to hold a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill before October but was under no obligation to reconcile it with the Senate’s version or to send it along to the White House before she’s good and ready.

Call it keeping a promise without keeping a promise. It allows the moderate Democrats to crow that they won big concessions but still satisfies the progressives’ demand that the larger $3.5 trillion dollar spending package gets first dibs on enactment.

The most important thing is that the House committees with jurisdiction can begin writing bills on healthcare, education, taxes, climate, and even more infrastructure with the knowledge that it can all pass through the Senate if the Democrats remain united. The filibuster is no longer an obstacle.

The top-line $3.5 trillion number will probably get trimmed down in a concession to both House centrists and some skittish Democratic senators–especially Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. Some of the taxes might not ultimately fly either, but that’s all for later negotiation.

This is going to get done. Biden will go down as one of the most progressively transformative and consequential presidents in our country’s history, and it’s thanks to Pelosi finding a way to break the impasse in her caucus.

You should be excited!