Imagine you’re a U.S. Senator who wants to pass some legislation to protect voting rights and reform the American electoral system. Almost by definition, this means you’re a Democrat, and in 2021 you’re never going to find the ten Republicans you need to overcome a filibuster. It looks like you’re fucked, but you’d like to at least make everyone take a vote just to have some accountability and show your constituents that you tried.

Now you discover you have another problem. You only have 50 members of your caucus and you need all of your colleagues to vote with you or you’ll wind up looking like an idiot for bringing up a bill only to see a majority oppose it. That means you have to please Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and he won’t even go along with a strong messaging bill. Even though there’s no threat it will ever become a law, he’s going to water it down as a condition of his meaningless support. Yeah, this is frustrating, but it’s the price you gotta pay, so you start negotiating and then act like it’s some big accomplishment when you’re close to working out a deal.

Senate Democrats are close to an agreement on updated voting rights legislation that can get the support of all 50 Democratic-voting senators, three Democratic aides familiar with negotiations said…

…The member-level discussions are complete, a source said, but staff members are going through the text to fix technical issues. No further details have been shared.

It’s very important that you fix all the technical issues for this law that will never overcome a filibuster.

The legislation would require the votes of 60 senators, including 10 Republicans, and it’s unlikely that Democrats will get enough Republican supporters.

Fortunately, Manchin will be on board with your message that this is important legislation, and he will repeatedly argue that 10 Republican senators might still be convinced to support it, even though that’s utterly preposterous as everyone knows. When it doesn’t happen, because it won’t, Manchin will say it’s a great shame and further evidence that we need less partisanship in Washington DC.

Fortunately, the Democrats will be able to truthfully say that the watered down bill would have passed if not for Republican obstruction. Go team.

You can call this making lemonade out of lemons, or the best of a bad situation, but that doesn’t make it honest. People are going to call bullshit on the whole charade even though a good charade was the best you could manage under the circumstances.

For my money, the voting legislation is very urgent, but it’s still not as urgent as Biden passing his first-year investment agenda through Congress. We can humor Manchin on the voting stuff because we’re both going to lose anyway, but we can actually win on the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Build Back Better Act (BBBA) if Manchin will give us his vote. If he can’t be convinced, then Biden is screwed, the Democrats are screwed, the country is screwed, and frankly the planet is screwed, so it’s probably not a good idea to let your frustration with Manchin get so heated that you start attacking his personal integrity and his daughter.

Look, if you’re writing a straight reporting piece on Manchin’s role in all of this, it’s important to mention the good and the bad, and that means you have to talk about how he made his money and the corruption of his daughter. But if the reason you’re writing about the IIJA and BBBA is because you want one or both to pass, then why are you going out of your way to anger the man who holds your fate in his hands?

If I were the Republicans, I’d pay progressives to write these pieces.

I hate that we’re in this situation, but I’m not fond of ignoring situations when I’m trying to navigate through them. I’m not in politics because I like the sound of my own voice.

The whole game here is not just getting Manchin to ‘yes’ but getting him to as much ‘yes’ as possible. Is he insufferable? Of course he is. It’s partly by design.

In 2016, Trump carried West Virginia by over 300,000 votes. Two years later, Manchin won reelection by 19,000 votes. That’s a minor miracle, made only more clear by the fact that Trump carried West Virginia in 2020 by 300,010 votes. Have you ever tried to convince three hundred thousand Trump voters to pull the lever for a friend of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi?

Well, Manchin hasn’t only asked, he’s actually convinced them. If he hadn’t, we’d still have Mitch McConnell running the Senate.

Do you think there are hundreds of thousands of Trump voters in the whole country who want to make it easier for people to vote early or absentee? Do you think Trump voters want Biden to pass his whole multi-trillion dollar agenda? Think of what you’re asking Manchin to do, and then maybe you’ll understand better why a few charades are necessary. But play-acting only works if you understand that it’s not real. Attacking the man’s daughter is real, and it’s not helpful. Stop it.