I recently watched the “Get Back” documentary series about the Beatles. Not being a musician, there were long segments (especially during the first episode) that were pretty tedious to me. But my favorite part came during the third episode when Paul McCartney’s soon-to-be wife Linda came to the studio and brought her daughter Heather.
It’s clear from the footage that Heather was a self-confident, precocious six year old. She played and interacted amusingly with all of the band members.
But what stood out to me was the extraordinary bond between Paul and Heather. A few still shots from that day tell the story.
For people my age (ie, old), we grew up with the Beatles. Paul’s reputation was as a lead singer and the “cute one.” Of course, we later saw him as one of the most talented song writers of the modern era. But until I saw this, I never knew he was such a great dad. It isn’t just the rapt attention he shows with Heather, it is her complete trust in him that shines through – something that can’t be staged.
When we were young we all idolized John because he seemed like the rebel. Age shifts our values and we see the importance of Paul’s virtues.