I don’t want to be “grim and joyless,” nor do I want to be part of a grim and joyless movement, so I get what Kevin Drum is saying. Progressives need to avoid being relentless downers. For one rather obvious thing, you can’t really be progressive if you don’t have some faith the future can be better than the past. For another, people aren’t attracted to negativity and sanctimonious scolds.

The problem, as least for me, is that the thing the Republicans have been most successful at in the decade and a half I’ve been in the blogging business is killing off my trust in my fellow countrymen and making belief in progress seem naive. It’s a combination of things that are getting to me, none bigger than the climate crisis. It’s also the way things have shaken out on the Supreme Court where conservatives now seem of having a strong majority for the remainder of my life. It’s the way the rules keep making it harder for people to vote. It’s the regression in enlightened thinking on not just science and education but race. It’s the Republican Party going from Bush Crime Family to QAnon Neo-naziism. It’s the monopolization of everything.

I don’t sit around freaking out that people eat meat or like NFL football or aren’t sensitive when using pronouns. I freak out because we’re like frogs in boiling water. So many people can see the problems coming from a mile away, but the challenges just keep getting steeper. You know, if people had taken climate change seriously early on, we wouldn’t be in so much trouble right now. If they’d listened when we said the GOP was moving toward fascism, maybe something like January 6 doesn’t happen. So, how can I not feel like I need to keep yelling, but this time even louder? There’s nothing funny or joyful about any of this.

It’s not about nitpicking people to death over their life choices. It’s about where we’re headed and the fact that things are not getting better.

I’d also like to point out, for the record, that there isn’t much joyful about QAnon or Trumpism or the Tea Party or Nazis. Sure, being part of any movement can bring some novelty, excitement or even solidarity, but it’s still all grim messaging about how everything is under threat. So, it’s not like joyless progressives are competing with some super happy charismatic movement that appeals to kids. If the kids like anything about conservative messaging its that they’re allowed to say whatever the fuck they want. I grew up in New Jersey, and that’s pretty much our state religion. I’m not in favor of hateful or belittling rhetoric, but I love a good insult. I’m all for off color jokes so long as they don’t punch down.

We all need more laughter in our lives, and I want to be a merry warrior. There are ways to do this, but not by being in denial about how serious things have become. On that, I take no joy in saying things are grim.