A lot of the reporting I saw about the first day of Donald Trump’s financial fraud civil case in New York on Monday argued that the disgraced ex-president seems more concerned about this trial than any of the four criminal trials he’s facing. This morning, I saw a clip from Monday’s Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC of a segment she did on the same theme.

And I am not saying this reporting is wrong but if it is right it it’s just one more example of how very unstable and sick Trump has become. He stands accused in Washington, DC and Georgia of plotting a coup. He’s facing hard time for his behavior in the Florida classified documents case. The evidence against him is overwhelming, and unless he gets holdout jurors to cause mistrials, he could die in prison if convicted in any one of those cases. At the least, he could be stuck in some kind of home confinement for the rest of his life. Only in the New York Stormy Daniels hush money case is he unlikely to get a harsh sentence if found guilty. And if he cares about his reputation at all, he’d probably prefer not to found liable a second time for defaming E. Jean Carrol by denying he raped her.

Ask yourself, if you were accused of all these things, where would a trial about financial fraud land on your list of concerns? It’s true that the current case has already resulted in the so-called “death sentence” for Trump’s New York businesses, and it could come with massive, ruinous financial penalties. But what good is money to someone who will never know freedom again? And, besides, Trump has many businesses in other states and his millions of followers constantly fill his coffers with free cash.

If we’re talking about reputation, I’d first not like to be thought of as a seditious traitor. To me, that’s even worse than being a rapist, but I’d be absolutely gutted to be thought of as a rapist. I definitely wouldn’t want to be considered a business fraud, but I’d take that any day over people knowing I cheated on my nursing wife with a porn star and a Playboy bunny. If I were someone who had once been rich and wielded political authority, I’d rather be known as a tax cheat than someone who couldn’t be trusted with our nation’s classified information.

And, I’m being completely honest, I would not take on those reputations for any amount of money or adoration or potential power.

So, if it is true that Trump is most concerned about the financial fraud case, it means he cares what people think of him, but he’s most threatened by the idea that they won’t think he’s a business success. He showed up for the first two days of the case, while he never showed up to defend against rape charges, so maybe this is just how Trump thinks. But it’s basically insane. On a basic risk basis, the civil case is small potatoes. And any morally grounded person would choose something else as a biggest worry.