As I sit here with my power newly restored more than forty-eight hours after a wind storm, and still without internet except through my iPhone’s hotspot (which, I am notified, will soon be throttled for overuse), I can understand why so many Americans feel like the country is broken. It’s a theme today at the New York Times where columnists Bret Stephens and Thomas Edsall spell it out for us.
Stephens is being widely mocked for penning a column entitled The Case for Donald Trump…By Someone Who Wants Him to Lose, and I can understand why progressives are losing their patience with this kind of production from The Gray Lady. But the column is really a plea for opponents of Trump to “take our heads out of the sand.” If nothing else, it does a decent job of explaining that the Establishment is failing because it has a shitty record.
Edsall’s piece, A ‘National and Global Maelstrom’ Is Pulling Us Under, is much better and far more terrifying.
The coming election will be held at a time of insoluble cultural and racial conflict; a two-tier economy, one growing, the other stagnant; a time of inequality and economic immobility; a divided electorate based on educational attainment — taken together, a toxic combination pushing the country into two belligerent camps.
I wrote to a range of scholars, asking whether the nation has reached a point of no return.
The responses varied widely, but the level of shared pessimism was striking.
If I could sum up the common theme Edsall received in response to his inquiries, it’s a struck-dumb realization by our educated elites that at least half the electorate is beyond reason and prepared to deliberately destroy this country for spite. It’s a crisis of faith in the people, which hasn’t yet curdled into a loss of faith in the virtues of our democratic system. It’s not the virtues that are openly doubted at this point, but rather the prospects for survival.
It’s a theme my brother tackles in the cover story for the Jan/Feb/Mar 2024 issue of the Washington Monthly. I just checked and that story has not gone live, although subscribers have already received their copy in the mail.
Phil explains how the monopolization of media has contributed to the brokenness we’re all experiencing, including the broken moral and mental capabilities of the American electorate.
Instead, it is a direct result of specific, boneheaded policy choices that politicians in both parties made over the past 40 years. By repealing or failing to enforce basic market rules that had long contained concentrated corporate power, policy makers enabled the emergence of a new kind of monopoly that engages in a broad range of deeply anticompetitive business practices. These include, most significantly, the cornering of advertising markets, which historically provided the primary means of financing journalism. This is the colossal policy failure that has effectively destroyed the economic foundations of a free press.
Since he came armed with solutions, I welcomed my brother’s piece as an antidote for my own deep and growing sense of helplessness. Because, to be honest with you, I generally am more in the Richard Haass camp. Haass told Edsall, “I am no longer confident there is the necessary desire and ability to make this country succeed. As a result, I cannot rule out continued paralysis and dysfunction at best and widespread political violence or even dissolution at worst.”
And if not Haass, then Jack Goldstone, a professor of public policy at George Mason University, who told Edsall, “if the G.O.P. wins in 2024 or even wins enough to paralyze government and sow further doubts about the legitimacy of our government and institutions, then we drift steadily toward Argentina-style populism, and neither American democracy nor American prosperity will ever be the same again.”
I most definitely identify with this:
Isabel Sawhill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, wrote in an email that pessimism has become endemic in some quarters: “I find that many of my friends, relatives and colleagues are equally concerned about the future of the country. The worst part of this is that we feel quite helpless — unable to find ways to improve matters.”
The helplessness really draws from the inability of anyone with expertise and influence to convince the public about the true nature of Donald Trump’s character and motivations. And maybe Stephens is onto something when he writes, “My pet theory is that, if Republican voters think the central problem in America today is obnoxious progressives, then how better to spite them than by shoving Trump down their throats for another four years?”
But, truthfully, Stephens is probably more on point here:
As writers like Tablet’s Alana Newhouse have noted, brokenness has become the defining feature of much of American life: broken families, broken public schools, broken small towns and inner cities, broken universities, broken health care, broken media, broken churches, broken borders, broken government. At best, they have become shells of their former selves. And there’s a palpable sense that the autopilot that America’s institutions and their leaders are on — brain-dead and smug — can’t continue.
Which is really what my brother Phil is arguing, too. With respect to the crisis in journalism, he writes, “Simply put, it requires returning to the same basic anti-monopoly principles that Americans used during previous revolutions in communications technology to preserve our First Amendment rights.” As he’s been arguing for years now, anti-competitive practices are at the root of problems not just in media and journalism but in health care and in the regional inequality that is driving rural and small-town America into the hands of the fascist right.
In a piece just published in Politico Magazine on Nikki Haley’s campaign, Jonathan Martin makes an interesting observation about two recent events in Iowa:
The most memorable feature of Haley’s otherwise forgettable gathering was not what she said but the nature of her audience — and how it explains why Trump is poised to win overwhelmingly in Iowa on Monday but will face the same general election challenges in 2024 he did in 2020.
I struggled to find a single attendee in the suburban strip mall tavern who was not a college graduate. Similarly, the day before, I couldn’t find a Haley admirer who showed up to see her in Sioux City who was not also a college graduate.
Trump’s base of support is increasingly made up of non-college graduates, and this is transforming the Republican Party into a right-wing populist movement. There is nothing more dangerous to a representative form of government, and it’s proceeding this way in part because the Democratic Party has not fought strongly enough against monopolies.
My pessimism is really drawn from my suspicion that it’s too late. The Biden administration understands the problem and has the best antitrust policies we’ve seen in decades, but with Congress deadlocked, they simply lack the power to do more than tinker around the edges.
I am not a fan of Bret Stephens, but he’s doing a service in trying to explain Trump’s appeal to Democrats who can’t get beyond his personal failings. I am just hoping it’s not too late.
I have wondered for some time what your true feelings were about this coming election. I have gleaned bits and pieces at times, but it has largely consisted of the reading of tea leaves you have occasionally dropped here and there. This post pretty much lays it wide open, and it seems every bit as bad as I had been fearing, while at the same time I have been trying to talk myself into any sense of optimism I could muster, no matter how convoluted my logic had to be to make it seem plausible and realistic.
The sense of helplessness I have had for some time is palpable, and grows more every day. I really feel like there is little I can personally do to change the trajectory in my little sphere of influence here in SW Ohio. Our local Dem Party, of which I am an officer, is preparing to plan our strategy for the coming election and in so many ways it feels like an exercise in futility, at least when it comes to the national race. We have Sherrod Brown to work for, and whatever local candidates we can convince to run, but it really all becomes a zero sum game based on the outcome of the Presidential election. If Trump wins, every mechanism, part, and piece that has held American governance together and kept it running will be shattered beyond repair. There will be no going back. The American political playbook will be shredded and in its place will be whatever Trump decides it should be. That is a prospect which is beyond frightening. In this scenario of Trump winning, the likelihood that Democrats would hold the House and the Senate and at least keep him in check for the first couple of years seems almost laughable.
This sense of dread is eating at my gut every day, and I wish I could think of a way to push it aside. The fact that I live in a state which has given me a glimpse of the reality of one party authoritarian rule, with zero respect for what citizens actually support and vote for, just adds to my cynical state of mind about our future. I have never been more pessimistic or depressed about our future.
I wouldn’t say I’m an optimistic sort, but 1) I don’t find Stephens’ column helpful, and 2) any Democrats who “can’t get beyond (Trump’s) personal failings” after the past nine years probably isn’t going to get beyond them in the next nine months.
We have a bunch of anti-democratic features of our constitution (e.g., senate, electoral college) and our current politics (gerrymandering, makeup of Supreme Court) that make it an uphill battle for the small ‘d’ democratic majority to win power…but not impossible.
Herbert Hoover got 40% of the popular vote in 1932, and that was three full years into the Great Depression. It’s not *that* surprising that Donald Trump got 47% in 2020 (and 46% in 2016).
I happen to be reading Camus’ essay, “The Myth of Sisyphus”, in which he writes “We must imagine Sisyphus happy.” I can’t quite bring myself to imagine Sisyphus happy, but I think I get his point: life is an uphill battle, and ultimately a losing one (we all die). So too with politics.
It never ends. There’s no ultimate victory. The facists are never totally defeated. (See: the US South 1877-1965.) But we each have our appointed time and our appointed role to play. All we can do is focus on that, not knowing what the outcome will be, but doing our part as best we can.
All of this is just a symptom of societal collapse. There are no societies on the rise. There are simply societies trying their best to hold onto what they once had, and other societies holding on just to survive.
Catabolic collapse. It’s not doomerism although it can be hand-waved away as that if you want.
The numbers are all there, and they don’t lie. There are no more upticks. There are plateaus that will be seen as the good old days in the future. And there will be unequivocal downticks.
Best case scenario is a long plateau where humanity decides that instead of collapsing hard, it will dismantle and recycle as much as it can before it all falls apart.
No, this isn’t an argument that nothing matters – the importance of voting and keeping fascists out of power is at an all-time high.
No one wants the Ecofascism that’s cresting over the horizon. Even the people who will end up voting and fighting for it will be victims of it.
“There are no societies on the rise.”
Really? Two generations ago something like 65% of East Asians lived hungry or on the brink of hunger; today it’s something like 3%. Global poverty and hunger rates have declined both in percentage and numerical terms, even as global population has increased.
By all sorts of measures—economic, artistic, educational—many societies around the world are freer and more prosperous than they were 1, 2, or 3 generations ago.
Yes, GDP, the receipt of the worlds’ resources we’ve dug up and burned, has increased. And now East Asians expect increasing energy output so they can power their cars and televisions and treadmills so they can keep up with the Jones.
Nothing wrong with that picture, climate change is a hoax after all, and even if it isn’t, it’s probably not nearly as bad as libtard scientists make it out to be.
What could go wrong?
Sorry. I don’t share the feelings of doom and gloom. I probably should. After all, I’m a 74-year-old male living in a rural area of Ohio. But, I cannot see the “country” you envision. I see people going to work and the need for even more people to be hired, because there are not enough people for jobs. I see our public schools being robust and book-banning free. I see Amish kids going to school and even opting out of that life when they can because they see “the old ways” are not the best ways. I I see college kids (yes, I teach @ 3 Universities) who are way more liberal than their parents. College kids who have come to their own conclusions and are actively getting involved in voting and politics. I see a state that has gone red only because the state Democratic Party is inept and filled with old bogeymen who couldn’t get a real job anywhere else. I see a state that threw off the yoke of anti-abortionists by a huge margin. And who decided that marijuana won’t kill you and might actually be okay.
Sorry. I don’t see the America you describe. I see hope and action and a bunch of liberals who are tired of the moderates. There will be a change. I just don’t see it going in the direction you’re painting.