We have a treat in Episode Nine of the Progress Pondcast. As our first ever guest, we have longtime Booman Tribune and Progress Pond commenter MikeinOhio who joins us to talk about a wide array of topics. He’s great for providing a blue guy in a red state perspective, and he has a fabulous radio voice.

We talk about Vince McMahon’s perversions, Cincinnati chile versus Philadelphia cheesesteaks, and Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump being taken down to the studs. We also talk about the anti-Trans bill in Ohio and the difficulty conservatives have with empathy until the moment that something personally affects them. Then there’s Ron DeSantis’s cowardly dropout of the presidential campaign and subsequent endorsement of Trump. And we discuss all these prominent GOP leaders in Florida, Arizona and Colorado who keep resigning their leadership posts.

I was kind of amazed to realize that I’ve known MikeinOhio since January 2007, but then I can say the same about a lot of you readers. I hope you tune in to check it out.