It’s a matter of despondency for me that Donald Trump is leading in the polls, or even that his campaign has a pulse, but as Nate Cohn of the New York Times notes, Joe Biden has been moving in the right direction since his State of the Union address. And if I am going to be an optimist, which is my preferred disposition, I’ll note that this is the predictable outcome of 2020 Biden voters coming back to him as the election draws nearer. In other words, Trump’s polling advantage has largely been an artifact of his stronger hold on his base, but that doesn’t mean his base has grown above the level that lost him the popular vote eight years ago and the Electoral College four years ago. Most non-Trump voters from 2020 are still going to be non-Trump voters in 2024, even if they’re not saying they support the current president quite yet.
Jonathan Martin writes for Politico Magazine that “It has been close to an open secret in the diplomatic corps that America’s allies and adversaries are anticipating a Trump restoration” which explains why British former Prime and current Foreign Minister David Cameron recently visited Mar-a-Lago. This makes sense looking at the polling data, even if Biden is narrowing the gap. But Martin sees strong headwinds to Trump’s campaign beyond the obvious legal ones that will come into focus beginning with his Stormy Daniels trial that begins on Monday. In particular, there’s the abortion issue which strongly favors Biden, as well as Trump’s inability to even try to reach out to Nikki Haley’s supporters and united the GOP. And, of course, there’s the candidate himself who is often his own worst enemy.
Still, the latest New York Times/Siena poll shows the American electorate views Trump more favorably than Biden, which is unfathomable and deeply dispiriting. I think we have to get to work on this campaign doing what we can each do individually to help. It’s therapeutic if nothing else, and I do think that Biden will ultimately be a lot stronger in the end because his base will come home. He has to do what he can to make sure it does.
Poor USA! So far from God, so close to the USA.
Yes, it is deeply depressing that Trump is a viable candidate. This is why I still hold on to my Christian upbringing. It’s a fallen world and you just have to deal with that. There’s no use in despair.
As one Christian to another, pay attention to the MAGA corruptions of the faith. The man who sells USA Bibles and has heard of two Corinthians is backed by people who want a Christian nation enforced by law. That’s not what Jesus would want, but it took hold in the fourth century by Emperor Constantine (300 years after the Crucifixion) and it lost out in the period of the enlightenment in the eighteenth in France and the US — later pretty much throughout Western Europe. It is very un-American. For nding fathers would be aghast.
I’ll keep saying it because it’s important.
Polls do not mean anything at all. They are all 100% irrelevant to who is going to win enough Electoral College votes to become President (assuming it doesn’t hilariously and tragically come down to 269-269 with the House obviously giving Trump his crown).
The only thing that matters is turnout and we’re 5+ months away from the earliest voting.
Also, you have to accept the fact that if there are enough Americans in the states to give Trump enough Electoral College votes to win, then the country is already fucked. Fascism isn’t knocking on the door, it’s inside the house and has a fully operational base of operations in the basement. There will be blood.
I cannot recommend enough for people to drop the “owning a gun will force me to be a mass shooter” mindset, and invest in a firearm. Learn how to safely operate it and store it, because the United States is not going to remain a united country for the next 100,000,000 million years before the sun engulfs the earth, nevermind the societal collapse that IS HAPPENING NOW ALL AROUND US.
No, it’s not to defend yourself from a US military platoon with sig ops and mechanized armor. It’s to defend yourself from Trump’s Khaki Shirts and the local Meal Team 6 group who might target you, your family, or your community.
I think one of the models here is the Obama 2012 campaign. If I recall correctly, about 80% of the ads run by Obama’s campaign were attack ads against Romney.