Since Bloomberg keeps its articles behind a paywall, I took a screenshot to share with you. It’s an indication of where things stand that the vice-chancellor of Germany just accused the leader of America’s fascist regime with “treason.” But, as Robert Habeck says, what else can you call it when the president of the United States abandons Europe and the Western Alliance to throw in with Vladimir Putin?
What’s perplexing is that many Republicans agree but won’t say so.
Several GOP senators publicly publicly disagreed with Donald Trump’s ludicrous insistence that Ukraine started the war with Russia, including Majority Leader John Thune of South Dakota, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Thom Tills of North Carolina. But they do so obliquely, and without mentioning Trump or the White House.
About the only one to address Trump head-on was Sen. John Neely Kennedy (R-Louisiana).
“Here’s where I disagree with the White House,” Kennedy said, adding: “I think Vladimir Putin started the war. I also believe, through bitter experience, that Vladimir Putin is a gangster. He’s a gangster with a black heart. He makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like Mother Teresa. He has Stalin’s taste for blood.”
I can detect no inaccuracies in Senator Kennedy’s remarks, but why does he stop there? If Putin is far worse than the child-killing cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, why then is the president throwing away 80 years of collective security against Russian aggression and allying our country with someone who is an equal to Stalin in his thirst for blood? Most importantly, why isn’t Kennedy now screaming bloody murder about it rather than registering mere disagreement?
Does Kennedy really have any reason not to join vice-chancellor Haback’s accusation of treason? On what basis?
My suspicion is that Kennedy cares more about his political future than the country or the Western Alliance, and be believes the future belongs to this new fascist alliance between Trump and Putin. Therefore, his public rebuke of Trump actually makes him look worse than if he’d just get him mouth shut.
I don’t want to discourage people from speaking up and telling the truth, but you have to have physical and political courage, too. Kennedy has neither.
These things will continue until the fascist regime is defeated.
A few Republicans will pretend to have integrity here and there so that they can also pretend that this isn’t a full-on coup.
That said, 1 month down, only 47 more months to go!