Just got back from the book signing with Markos and Jerome Armstrong. Bob Casey Jr. made a surprise visit to our little get together beforehand where he tried to made nice with the Philly blogging set that heavily endorsed his opponents. It must be the day after the primary. Too bad he didn’t make the same effort months ago. I talked to some of his staffers. I don’t think they know quite what to do with the blogosphere. At least they are making an effort. Right now I’m tired. Chris Bowers had a great victory, Anne came close, Albert didn’t quite make it. I talked to Pat Murphy’s campaign manager and they are stoked about his performance in the primary. There’s a lot to be proud of mixed in with a lot of disappointment. We really flexed our muscles yesterday, and now the establishment is coming to make a courtesy call. Harumph. We’ll keep going. So far, it’s working.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Booman, I am proud of you all. I have been reading all of your posts…even and including Alberts. You are making a difference…hugs…
this will make y ou want to cry
You are so right!
It’s just incredible that infighting like that could be allowed to stop the granting of necessary clearances for national defense jobs. On the other hand, I sometimes think they should not only stop expanding these secret programs, they should start yanking some of the clearances Bu$hCo has given out to cronies and foreign spies.
Well, on the plus side, you didn’t see me running naked down Broad Street. That image alone was reason enough to vote for Casey.
I think we have a lot to be proud of. Chris and Kevin are now a voice in the state party. Anne will be back (and it is interesting to note that the Party candidate she was running against came in third in that race, behind Anne).
Pat Murphy is going to win in November.
Lois Murphy is going to win in November.
Chris Carney is going to win in November
Joe Sestak is going to win in November.
And yes, Bob Casey and Ed Rendell are going to win in November.
I don’t think Casey will, at least I hope not.
Cynthia McKinney will though……..
Thanks again Booman for all that you do. Here and in the ‘real’ world, too.
Hey, you guys and gals got on the radar of the establishment. They need to be worried about the reality-based wing of the party, and they damn well better start catering to it. I have staunchly defended the need to vote for Dems in my state, even if they are compromised in some of their positions – but I don’t think I would be able to vote for Casey, even here in Mississippi. It might make me run to the toilet to puke if I had to do that. I know that you will do what you think is best in that respect and I trust your judgment. I am over a thousand miles away from PA and I’ll keep my nose out of ya’ll’s business.
On a lighter note, I’m looking forward to this weekend’s meetup in Memphis. It looks like it’ll be a smallish gathering, but I know the quality of individuals present will be very high. We may not be able to post a running commentary, but I’ll definitely post a recap diary on it afterwards. Wish you and everyone else could be there. Maybe sometime we can plan a YearlyRibbit in Philly? :O)
Who all is headed for the Memphis meet-up?
Me and Brenda and IndianaDem and the Mrs. with a guest appearance by ejmw, I think. KnoxvilleP and Phronesis have conflicts.
Does the world know no end of cruelty? I decide to do my drinking at home this evening and miss my chance to rub elbows with Bobby? I didn’t realize he even knew Philadelphia was in the commonwealth. Live and learn. I have one burning question that I really do want to ask him, but I’ve decided to keep my feelings about Casey private for the time being, so I’ll refrain from mentioning it here.
I really shouldn’t. I’m still waiting for the scorn and recrimination I’m due for my failure to back the proper candidate in the primary.
hmm, ok. Nice blog, though. It gives me some idea of your true feelings 😉
see my comment upthread about Casey. I think I’d become physically ill if I thought I had to mark a ballot for Casey. I’m no strict idealist on the matter of voting for not-so-progressive Dems because I DO live in Mississippi, after all. However, I have some limits on that position and I think Casey even crosses the effing Mississippi line on low standards for Dems… arrrgh!
I think Casey even crosses the effing Mississippi line on low standards for Dems… arrrgh!
You know, if Casey wins the DLC boys are going to be all over this like lice on a cheap hotel bed. It’s a certainty that they’ll use the same technique all over the country in majority pro-choice states.
So when you spoke with Casey’s staffers, did they have any clue how pissed off women are- and at the terrible schism Casey/ Schumer may cause in the party?
I think so. I mainly talked about the inane comments about Alito.
Them: we had to make a statement.
Me: why the fuck did you make THAT statement?
Anyway, the primary is over. Its time to get over it and get ready to take on Ricky.