On Booman’s most recent post (The Polluters are in Control), the first comment was from donnah. I agreed, and elaborated on my agreement. One of the recent neo-centrist, neo-McCarthyite cowards on this blog zeroed me out. Maybe two, maybe more. Who knows?

Since I am saving my comments and replies now, here is what I had to say:

Donnah writes:

Trump allows uneducated money-grubbing phonies into these important positions because they will drag their departments down and strip them of power. Kathleen White, Betsy DeVoss, Ben the idiot surgeon Carson, were all put in place to destroy protections and speed up the destruction of our government.

“…put in place to…speed up the destruction of our government.”


There it is.

The real deal.

Trump vs. the Democrats and the Republicans. The smart Republicans know this, and so do the smart Dems. The anti-Trump movement is bipartisan. It was bipartisan when he ran in the primaries, and the Republicans lost…to their absolute surprise. Then they had to hide their enmity as well as they could for fear of losing their offices, their power and their slices of the Great American Pie. No sense in that, right?

Let the Dems take him down. We’ll watch; maybe kibitz a little from the sidelines.

Only…the Dems lost, too.

UH oh!!! What’ll we do now!!!

Make nice and wait for his inevitable fall was “what to do.” The power of the media would wear him down eventually. Let the Dems pound on him in public and the GOPers do the same in the back rooms.

“It’s only a matter of time!!!” they thought.

Well…time’s a’passin’, and there he still is, busily dismantling this system by benevolent…and not-so-benevolent…neglect.

Now what? Gonna wait for Mueller to pull a jackass out of the hat?

Maybe he will.

Or maybe not.

He’d damned well better hurry if he’s going to do anything!!!

So far?

Besides targeted media leaks dribbled out every news cycle for a year or so?


As “the process” creeps along at yesteryear speed and Trump works on superfast social media time.

“48% pro-Trump!!!” the pro-Trump media blast. And that 48% (or 24% or whatever…) believe it, just as they believe that the inauguration crowd was massive and massively underreported; just as they believe that the Florida school shooting was a setup to ban guns.

How long are we going to wait for our old and antiquated system to do its stuff?

Will it be the usual “too little, too late?” Like the bloated bureaucracy that was supposed to protect those Parkland kids from yet another monster? If the F.B.I cannot act on a decidedly off kid who posts murder threats under his own name on Facebook, how are they going to deal with a multi-billionaire criminal who has the backing of anti-government forces both domestically and (perhaps) abroad?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Before it’s too goddamned late.

Or is it too late already.

We gonna see.

Before the 2018 midterms, if the numbers aren’t right for Trump and his handlers.

Constitutional crisis?

Comin’ right up!!!

He’s likely to pardon and/or fire everybody…including himself…in some 4AM Twitterstorm, and then ask:

Whatchoo gonna do about it, you bureaucratic nincompoops!!!??? I got half the country…or more…on my side. Go ahead. Try me.


It’s coming…the fever is still rising, and every illness must have a crisis before it recedes.




Where is the “zeroness” in all of that? This zeroing is just a personal vendetta masquerading as “politics,” in my opinion. Are you going to let these people take control of your blog? If so, just say so and be done with it.

If not?

Take some action! I hate to see this once-vital blog go down in a morass of subliterate stupidity masquerading as “progressivism.” You’re better than that, and this blog used to be better than that. All that is happening here is that Trump’s bashing style of commentary is taking over on every level of discourse.

It seems to work…let’s try it to support our own beliefs!!!


I personally loathe meta, myself. I have never much bothered with it here or on any other blog unless ignorant attacks multiplied to the point that it began difficult for me to make my points.

Make it go away.


For your own peace of mind if for nothing else.
