Sorry I’ve been so slow to get a new cafe up. CBtY had a cyst removed yesterday and it’s been a busy work week on top of that. I should be working now, but I’m enjoying some baby snuggles instead….
Photo up top courtesy of NDD. I love the big blue sky.
That would be cool. My last visit to the Fargo area was for a job interview, and one of my regrets was having to leave so soon. If I can find an excuse for making a trip up that way, I’ll shoot an email your way. 🙂
All the leaves are gone and the sky is gray (are you humming along with me now?) here.
But the dogs won’t take no for answer on walking so despite the blah weather and the fact that is gun season for deer, we will be out walking as soon as it gets light enough.
I have a bright orange baseball cap and a coat that is a non-deer color. But mostly we just stay away from areas where we know people have deer stands.
I stopped going into the woods years ago (unless they were on fire) after hearing some hunters talk about getting off a “sound” shot. Strangely enough, I felt safe there during deer season only while fighting a fire.
There is hunting allowed on properties all around us so we just have to be careful. The camp is the main place we walk (outside of our property), though, and they don’t usually have anybody hunting during the week.
Though I’m sure that Booman and Cabin Girl get tired of cleaning them up, I have to admit I enjoy seeing that they’ve wasted their time posting diaries that no one will ever look at.
Good morning,
Almost a toddler now, built to specs that can wear down multiple adults in one day…
Good news on the kniitting diary, I’ll have to alert curly. Don’t know if she has any projects going at the moment (no such activity two weeks ago while I was there).
Very cool. I have to confess that we all love being Finny’s test subjects and watching the little hamster wheel in his head light u his face as he figures things out.
Working on it now…just need to power up my macbook to get at some of the photos…also, I may need to take a couple of new pics of some more recent completions.
Olivia is in a car going from Toronto to home so she’ll miss this one but if you give me some advance warning for the next one, I’ll make sure she knows.
Thankfully most of them are now gone, although there is still a couple including something plugging Black Friday. If these assholes only knew that at least a small proportion of this blog’s audience is staunchly anticapitalist…Anyhoo, just motivates me even more to avoid shopping altogether that day.
I noticed the spam disappearance late yesterday. Thanks Booman! Wonder if they get paid as much as the Koch-puppets showing up at the MSM comment areas? I’m already weary of the same old DFH wing-nut talking points attached to anything that has remotely to do with #OWS.
It’s appreciated. Something is definitely wrong when even the relatively prolific Oui’s diaries are buried beneath the rotting feces of late capitalism.
Good luck b2! Its been quite some time since I drove the LI Expressway, but I still remember it as a harrowing experience (being used to rural driving). I much prefer the LIRR.
For us it will be a crawl on the Hutchison River Parkway and down the Cross Island to the south shore. Only one exit on the Southern State though. Sigh.
Hope he’s got a portable game console for distraction. I have a collection of podcasts and audio books to keep me from going crazy but he’s probably a bit young for those to work.
He’s got a Nintendo DS. I’ll probabaly offer him a new game cartridge as we start out. Still, he may get antsy as the hours wear on. Most of the trip will be spent crawling in traffic, with little in the way of interesting scenery.
It’s only about 45 miles or so. Traveling time on Thanksgiving will likely take 2-3 hours each way. It should be no more than 1 1/2 hours in normal traffic.
I’ll be heading out. Won’t be online this calendar day as I will be doing a bit of traveling – family commitments and such. Have a great day. Will catch you on the flipside.
It was quite nice. Good weather for driving, and got to enjoy what amounted to a family reunion – regrettably such events are few and far between, but are relished when they do occur. And now I’m back, tired, full, and probably soon to sleep.
Oh dear — not only working but missing all that great food. My sympathies. But at least you’ll be spared all that self-flagellation afterward for massively overeating. 🙂
Thanks, but no deprivation here.
Six Norwegians together all of last weekend, two of us live here, the four others coming in from Oslo/Madrid. Four of the six are November scorpios – there was some serious eating/celebration over 3 days. I guess self-flagellation is in order…
That’s surprising — for him to have a girlfriend from all the way up here. If he drives up here some time, you should come with him and spend the time with us.
Well since I’m sure you will be following that baby around everywhere it goes in order to get every possible whiff of its sweet head, I’d say there’s even more of a chance you’ll come this way when she goes to visit the other granny. 😉
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here & to those who couldn`t make it.
This 7 shot image was taken & merged within the last hour.
Click & go to “original”, for a better view)
That`s what I have here.
My dining room & connected living room are floor to ceiling glass looking out onto the deck & the sunsets.
Teri & I keep threatening to go over to the bluff to shoot the sunrise.
The vantage from there is also overlooking the ocean, since we live on a peninsula of sorts. There`s a spot on the next street over where you can see the ocean to the East & turn around to see the ocean to the West.
Here`s tonight`s afterglow.
Thank you.
We are returning to our old selves here at the homestead.
Teri`s 21 yr. old niece was taped up & bludgeoned to death a few weeks ago, which put a quiet pall over our usually mellow lives.
The three who killed her are all behind bars. A 23 year old male, a 20 year old female & a 17 year old male juvenile. All are being tried as adults.
Shelby was just an 84lb. petite little girl & we don`t know yet why she was targeted. There was no drugs nor alcohol involved with her, according to the autopsy, but I can`t say the same for her brutal murderers. It may come out at trial.
On that sad note, I can assure you that we are doing fine.
“My heart goes out to all who knew her.”
She was quite popular in high school judging from all the comments in the local paper of her home town.
Many of the comments were about her high school years as a cheerleader.
She was the “flyer”, the one that gets tossed up in the air.
I think this time she was tossed too high & never came down. Her dad says she`s happy where she is from a dream he had.
It does get somewhat worse.
Teri drove up to Concord Ca. (near Oakland) with her daughter & aunt.
Her brother, Brad (Shelby`s dad) drove down from Oregon.
Her parents, Shelby`s grandparents flew down from the Puget Sound area, & another couple in the family flew up from LA.
When they all arrived at the memorial service, Brad`s ex_wife called the police & security.
They finally allowed permission to have the family group enter but Brad & his wife were excluded from that.
The group decided to stand with Brad & refused to enter the service.
Brad was never allowed to say goodbye to his youngest daughter.
Now that was sick.
Thank you Errol,
Yes sad indeed.
His ex_wife is a sad specimen.
Brad knows better than to have to be there to say “Goodbye”.
His daughter, in a dream, told all was well.
Don Durito,
Thank you.
You are correct but we usually have to go through a summer of clear skies before the winter clouds provide reflectors for the colors of the sunsets.
Sorry I’ve been so slow to get a new cafe up. CBtY had a cyst removed yesterday and it’s been a busy work week on top of that. I should be working now, but I’m enjoying some baby snuggles instead….
Photo up top courtesy of NDD. I love the big blue sky.
Two lovely photos this morning for the price of one;-)
Hope CB is in recovery and not too uncomfortable. I had a huge one removed several years ago and still remember the owee that lasted for several days.
I think he’s doing okay. I’m hoping he can head back to school tomorrow; we’ll see.
I have a great appreciation for the North Dakota landscape. Beautiful country up there.
Hey DD, you and the rest of the gang here will have to come for a visit some time.
That would be cool. My last visit to the Fargo area was for a job interview, and one of my regrets was having to leave so soon. If I can find an excuse for making a trip up that way, I’ll shoot an email your way. 🙂
Hah, thought that looked a tad familiar!
My first time photo at the cafe opening.
Fun to see it again, thanks.
Thanks for posting more pictures. And thanks to the person who told you that you should post more pictures. 😉
click for larger
Gorgeous – and far better than the November gray that has arrived here. 🙂
Off for a hike this am?
All the leaves are gone and the sky is gray (are you humming along with me now?) here.
But the dogs won’t take no for answer on walking so despite the blah weather and the fact that is gun season for deer, we will be out walking as soon as it gets light enough.
Do you wear bright colors?
I have a bright orange baseball cap and a coat that is a non-deer color. But mostly we just stay away from areas where we know people have deer stands.
Also, the white handkerchief in your back pocket is probably not a good idea.
When Giddy the Malamutt was alive, I worried about her every gun season because she was fairly big and had a white tipped tail.
Stay safe! Some folks kinda do their own thing in the woods near us. Hunting as defined by goverment is apparently only a suggestion to them.
I stopped going into the woods years ago (unless they were on fire) after hearing some hunters talk about getting off a “sound” shot. Strangely enough, I felt safe there during deer season only while fighting a fire.
Thanks, we will try very hard to. Fortunately for us, the folks we share property lines with either don’t hunt or only have a very people who do hunt.
Keep yer head down – we can hear the banging away from here.
There was a lot of activity over the weekend and some on Monday and Tuesday but today has been completely gunshot-free.
I neglected to mention how lovely that shot is! We got some nice displays of leaf color after all.
It was one of the best falls we can remember — especially for trees going red.
And thanks for that link to NatGeo photo contest. What a wonderful set of shots.
Is the area you hike in posted? I always worry at my mom’s place. Ours is a little more residential.
There is hunting allowed on properties all around us so we just have to be careful. The camp is the main place we walk (outside of our property), though, and they don’t usually have anybody hunting during the week.
Here’s a link to 45 shots from the 2011 National Geographic Photo Contest for the photographers among us to drool over.
Those are amazing. Thanks for sharing.
Looks like some folks barfed up a whole bunch of spam – spam diaries that is.
Though I’m sure that Booman and Cabin Girl get tired of cleaning them up, I have to admit I enjoy seeing that they’ve wasted their time posting diaries that no one will ever look at.
I have to admit, some of us are so tired from chasing a small BooPerson around that we don’t even have time to notice the spam diaries…sorry!
But, I am planning to post a knitapalooza diary this weekend. With photos and everything!
Good morning,
Almost a toddler now, built to specs that can wear down multiple adults in one day…
Good news on the kniitting diary, I’ll have to alert curly. Don’t know if she has any projects going at the moment (no such activity two weeks ago while I was there).
Feeling better now after your bout of sickness?
This grandpa is periodically worn out by toddlers! Such energy!
I remember those days. The b2 boy runs too fast now. Looking forward to your diary.
When I watched this, I thought of you and Boo.
Enjoy being the subjects of the experiments.
Very cool. I have to confess that we all love being Finny’s test subjects and watching the little hamster wheel in his head light u his face as he figures things out.
Yay for knitting diary. Looking forward to seeing it.
tap, tap, tap …
Weekend’s in the home stretch and we’re still waiting for that diary.
Tell Finny you need some alone-time. 😉
Working on it now…just need to power up my macbook to get at some of the photos…also, I may need to take a couple of new pics of some more recent completions.
Aaand, if you’re looking for another little knitting project, I’ve got a grandchild due in May. Don’t know what flavor yet, though. 🙂
I’m so excited for you – when will you find out the flavor? 🙂
BTW, May 16 is an excellent day for a birthday. 🙂
I’m going to their gender-discovering ultrasound in early December. I’m very excited. I’m sure I’ll cry either way. 🙂
Oh, that is so sweet! and only a few weeks away…I’ll be obsessively checking FB for the update. 🙂
Our niece is due for her first little one just before Christmas, a girl. My bro’s first grandchild:-)
Happy Baby Head Sniffing!
More pictures is good.
It’s up. I have more material for next week already…
Now, I’m hoping olivia (and MomSense and DenimBlue and kamakhaya and katiebird and our other knitters) will post some pictures too.
Olivia is in a car going from Toronto to home so she’ll miss this one but if you give me some advance warning for the next one, I’ll make sure she knows.
As of this moment, it looks as if all the entries in Recent Diaries are now spam diaries.
Thankfully most of them are now gone, although there is still a couple including something plugging Black Friday. If these assholes only knew that at least a small proportion of this blog’s audience is staunchly anticapitalist…Anyhoo, just motivates me even more to avoid shopping altogether that day.
I noticed the spam disappearance late yesterday. Thanks Booman! Wonder if they get paid as much as the Koch-puppets showing up at the MSM comment areas? I’m already weary of the same old DFH wing-nut talking points attached to anything that has remotely to do with #OWS.
I’ve been slacking. Sorry! Just cleared out a bunch
It’s appreciated. Something is definitely wrong when even the relatively prolific Oui’s diaries are buried beneath the rotting feces of late capitalism.
I heard that rotting capitalism makes for great tomato fertilizer.
I wonder if it would zap those voracious big tomato worms as well? Thanks for the house cleaning Man ee!
Cool. We’ve found a use for my garden next spring. 🙂
click for larger
Dreading the long drive to Long Island. Sigh.
Hope the traffic isn’t too horrible.
Thanks. I’m all ready for the worst. Hopefully the b2 boy can deal with it.
Good luck b2! Its been quite some time since I drove the LI Expressway, but I still remember it as a harrowing experience (being used to rural driving). I much prefer the LIRR.
For us it will be a crawl on the Hutchison River Parkway and down the Cross Island to the south shore. Only one exit on the Southern State though. Sigh.
Hope he’s got a portable game console for distraction. I have a collection of podcasts and audio books to keep me from going crazy but he’s probably a bit young for those to work.
He’s got a Nintendo DS. I’ll probabaly offer him a new game cartridge as we start out. Still, he may get antsy as the hours wear on. Most of the trip will be spent crawling in traffic, with little in the way of interesting scenery.
Sorry to hear. Sounds like something you don’t want to do too often.
What is the estimate duration (and mileage)?
It’s only about 45 miles or so. Traveling time on Thanksgiving will likely take 2-3 hours each way. It should be no more than 1 1/2 hours in normal traffic.
Ugh. That’s just appalling. All my sympathies (and now I’ll be giving thanks for relatives who places without horrific traffic).
Yep. Next time around I’ll have to choose my relatives more carefully.
Won’t we all.
Except for the retired guy in the orange cap who says “Hump Day? What Hump Day?”
click for larger
Over the hill.
Just don’t race too quickly down the other side. Make it a long, leisurely stroll;-)
I’ll be heading out. Won’t be online this calendar day as I will be doing a bit of traveling – family commitments and such. Have a great day. Will catch you on the flipside.
When you see this, I hope you will have had a great day.
It was quite nice. Good weather for driving, and got to enjoy what amounted to a family reunion – regrettably such events are few and far between, but are relished when they do occur. And now I’m back, tired, full, and probably soon to sleep.
May you have much to be thankful for.
And you too!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone where it is being celebrated! We’re working today 🙁
Oh dear — not only working but missing all that great food. My sympathies. But at least you’ll be spared all that self-flagellation afterward for massively overeating. 🙂
Thanks, but no deprivation here.
Six Norwegians together all of last weekend, two of us live here, the four others coming in from Oslo/Madrid. Four of the six are November scorpios – there was some serious eating/celebration over 3 days. I guess self-flagellation is in order…
I’m glad to hear that — sounds like a great time. Too good a time, in fact, to be dampened with any remorse.
Very good indeed.
Sunday was a bit rough early on ;), but an afternoon walk on Le Salève and late brunch did wonders (pics are old).
Quite the view. And the rolling countryside is beautiful. As is the very happy dog.
Viggo + stick = Pure and lasting happiness
Don’t make it too painful. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jim and the critters. My Boy is near Indianapolis for Thanksgiving at his girlfriend’s parents house.
Right back at ya.
That’s surprising — for him to have a girlfriend from all the way up here. If he drives up here some time, you should come with him and spend the time with us.
She goes to grad school in NC. They’re expecting a baby…
Well since I’m sure you will be following that baby around everywhere it goes in order to get every possible whiff of its sweet head, I’d say there’s even more of a chance you’ll come this way when she goes to visit the other granny. 😉
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you here & to those who couldn`t make it.

This 7 shot image was taken & merged within the last hour.
Click & go to “original”, for a better view)
Wowie zowie. That is magnificent.
Hope you and your family a Thanksgiving to as wonderful as that sunset.
Thank You AndiF,
Things seem to be looking up.
That is gorgeous! I’d love to have that as a wall mural splashed across my living room wall.
Hope your Thanksgiving was good, Knucklehead!
That`s what I have here.
My dining room & connected living room are floor to ceiling glass looking out onto the deck & the sunsets.
Teri & I keep threatening to go over to the bluff to shoot the sunrise.
The vantage from there is also overlooking the ocean, since we live on a peninsula of sorts. There`s a spot on the next street over where you can see the ocean to the East & turn around to see the ocean to the West.
Here`s tonight`s afterglow.
Thanks for capturing and sharing another magnificent west coast sunset! Hope all’s well with you and your family.
Thank you.
We are returning to our old selves here at the homestead.
Teri`s 21 yr. old niece was taped up & bludgeoned to death a few weeks ago, which put a quiet pall over our usually mellow lives.
The three who killed her are all behind bars. A 23 year old male, a 20 year old female & a 17 year old male juvenile. All are being tried as adults.
Shelby was just an 84lb. petite little girl & we don`t know yet why she was targeted. There was no drugs nor alcohol involved with her, according to the autopsy, but I can`t say the same for her brutal murderers. It may come out at trial.
On that sad note, I can assure you that we are doing fine.
I am so sorry. All my sympathy.
Oh, knucklehead, I am so, so, so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to all who knew her.
“My heart goes out to all who knew her.”
She was quite popular in high school judging from all the comments in the local paper of her home town.
Many of the comments were about her high school years as a cheerleader.
She was the “flyer”, the one that gets tossed up in the air.
I think this time she was tossed too high & never came down. Her dad says she`s happy where she is from a dream he had.
That’s horrifying. I’m terribly sorry to hear this news. I don’t understand why we have psychopaths like that living among us.
So sorry to hear that sad news. Sending thoughts of peace and healing your way.
Thank you Indianadem.
Here`s “Night Dance” from about an hour ago.
I’m happy you have this beauty in your life, especially now. Peace.
Amazingly gorgeous and gorgeously amazing.
That’s awful. Condolences to you and your family.
What a horrible act!
My condolences to you and Teri.
It does get somewhat worse.
Teri drove up to Concord Ca. (near Oakland) with her daughter & aunt.
Her brother, Brad (Shelby`s dad) drove down from Oregon.
Her parents, Shelby`s grandparents flew down from the Puget Sound area, & another couple in the family flew up from LA.
When they all arrived at the memorial service, Brad`s ex_wife called the police & security.
They finally allowed permission to have the family group enter but Brad & his wife were excluded from that.
The group decided to stand with Brad & refused to enter the service.
Brad was never allowed to say goodbye to his youngest daughter.
Now that was sick.
And Thank you.
my condolences. and Brad not allowed to say goodby, how sad.
Thank you Errol,
Yes sad indeed.
His ex_wife is a sad specimen.
Brad knows better than to have to be there to say “Goodbye”.
His daughter, in a dream, told all was well.
Hard to know what to say.
You spend your time finding the beauty and wonder in the world and something like that just turns everything upside down.
My condolences and the hope that you once again see the beauty very soon.
Sunsets in that part of the world are especially gorgeous, as you have once more reminded us.
Don Durito,
Thank you.
You are correct but we usually have to go through a summer of clear skies before the winter clouds provide reflectors for the colors of the sunsets.