(Cross-posted here on DailyKos)

I was reading this piece at Talking Points Memo and was getting to write something up about it as well, when I saw AMERICAblog also put up the story.

I’m cross linking to AMERICAblog, but it’s certainly something to pay attention to. The washer is in full-spin mode.
The Lie

Louisiana did not reach out to a multi-state mutual aid compact for assistance until Wednesday, three state and federal officials said. As of Saturday, Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency, the senior Bush official said.

Via AMERICAblog, The Media Are Rove-aholics

Yesterday, Josh Marshall exposed a serious error in both the Washington Post and Newsweek which was obviously put out by the White House. The Post actually ran a correction later in the day, which was documented also at E&P. Clearly, Rove’s smear strategy was accepted by reporters without question. Think about that for a second. The same guy who has lied to them about the Plame affair (even though most of them already knew) is now able to lie about Katrina.

Why am I NOT surprised Rove’s name comes up in this whole mess?