A member of the Republican National Committee told me Tuesday that when the RNC meets in an extraordinary special session next week, it will approve a resolution rebranding Democrats as the “Democrat Socialist Party.”
When I asked if such a resolution would force RNC Chairman Michael Steele to use that label when talking about Democrats in all his speeches and press releases, the RNC member replied: “Who cares?”
I suggest that the DNC respond to this by holding an extraordinary special session to officially rebrand the Republicans as the Disney Dumbo Party.
Too cute, BooMan. I vote for the ‘Fascist Republic Party’ — because ‘Republic Fascist’ sounds just as dumb as ‘Democrat Socialist’.
but that would lend credibility to their efforts rather than appropriately mocking them.
how bout WATB Party.
that has the benefit of accuracy.
i hear that elephants do cry, but do they whine?
i can’t speak for the GOP, but this makes ME cry:
Changey Hopey McFreedom
Hmmmm… “Disney?” You know how protective those folks are about copyright.
How about the Grand Ol’Huffalumps Party? Like Pooh, they don’t know what this scary creature is really like, so they create monsters out of their imaginations. Unfortunately, unlike Pooh, they have used these nightmarish images that they create to frighten the American people and win elections. The American public appears to have woken up long enough to elect Obama. Maybe we can keep those nightmares at bay for awhile.
how about the Republican Lost World party, with mascot goposaur.
Might I suggest the Republican Irrelevant Party.
Republican Losers Party sounds good to me.
Seriously, what do they hope to gain with this idiocy?
At this point calling them the “Republican Party” may be enough of an insult.
I hope this encourages the Dems to live up to their new title.
As to a response, I’m afraid “The Republican Party” already says it all when it comes to describing the fool/psycho/stupid trifecta of American politics. No point in gilding the dead lily.
then Republicans are the National Socalist Party.
Just sayin’.
Sorry, but not a good idea. Putting aside the copyright problem for a moment, the image just doesn’t fit. Surely you’ve seen the film “Dumbo.” Remember? Dumbo wasn’t dumb, he was a small nearly helpless baby elephant who was victimized by the cruel circus people and taunted by the other bitchy elephant mothers, and his mother was humiliated. He saved himself and his mother because he had a mutation that proved to save his life, restore his mother’s status, and humiliate his oppressors. I’m not sure how this fits in with Republican stupidity and arrogance. I actually think they would be more like the nasty clowns in the film.