Is your tree up yet? Do you do lights and all that stuff? Wreaths on the doors? Does the local paper photograph your castle every December?

My cats have always loved the C’mas tree. It creates a new canopy to nap under. The balls are fun to bat. However, a new member of the raccoon Yahoo group, has a unique problem:

Anyone have any advice on how to keep my baby girl [raccoon] from thinking the Christmas tree is “vacation property”? I honestly don’t think I have ever saw her more excited then she was the day the tree was put up. This is our first Christmas together so we are on new ground here. … I have established the rule of when she is playing upstairs the lights are to be unplugged. So far our main rules are unplug the lights and keep the toliet covers down. We didn’t put candy canes on the tree this year because that would be one less thing to make the tree exciting.

OPEN THREAD! And ho, ho, ho …