Two more cavities filled, one more to go. Another $220 down the drain. My face is numb. I’m hungry but I can’t eat or I’ll bite my tongue in two. It’s raining and miserable out. Yeah, I’m not in the best mood.
Charlie Rangel got his ass kicked by the House adjudicatory subcommittee; he’s guilty on 11 of 13 counts. He knew this was coming and he ran for reelection anyway. His crimes aren’t extremely serious. but they
are serious enough to embarrass the Democratic Party and to lose the public’s trust. I like Rep. Rangel, but you gotta pay your taxes. That’s especially true when you are chairman of the committee (Ways & Means) that writes tax law. I wish he had bowed out gracefully instead of making a spectacle. Oh well.
I bookmarked Neatorama today. It’s pretty awesome.
I guess the topic for today is: bipartisanship, is it just for suckers?
bipartisanship, is it just for suckers?
Yes. What do Democrats have to show for it? Nothing? Well, a depressed base actually. And voters pissed off that there aren’t enough jobs.
Speaking of bipartisanship … I’m as pro-Obama as anyone, but seriously, what’s the point of this?
For whom is this message intended? The people who believe Obama is the source of all the evil partisan warfare in Washington are not going to pay it any mind, and the people who support Obama know it’s not true.
The other possible explanation (for which there is some evidence) is that Obama really believes this — in which case you’ve got to wonder if he’s got a screw loose somewhere.
as carlin said, bipartisan means the scam is bigger than usual.
like the Iraq war. or more recently the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act, which almost passed.
funny how the GOP and the Dems come together to protect the banks.
They simply are paying homage to their campaign fund sources.
“make” magazine has a web site. This pub is full of mind-blowing DIY devices, recipes, kids projects, etc.
Jonatha Capeheart: Censure not Expel Charlie Rangel
Censure Charlie Rangel
By Jonathan Capehart