Why is this considered acceptable?

Last night on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter responded to Obama’s comments [about the religious right] by implicating him as a terrorist. Coulter remarked, “Anyone named B. Hussein Obama should not use the words ‘hijack’ and ‘religion’ in the same sentence.” Host Sean Hannity added that Obama’s remarks were part of a “black separatist agenda.”

Seriously. What is going on in the minds of people when this type of political discourse is acceptable? This is what the Congressional Black Caucus is willing to overlook in their desire to host debates on FOX? The blogosphere shouldn’t have to stick up for them, they should be sticking up for themselves. It’s kind of strange to look off on the left and right flanks and see the CBC has abandoned their posts. Why go on a network that calls the first viable black candidate for president a terrorist and a black separatist?

I know money talks but, to me, I just see a lot of bullshit that walks.