Why is this considered acceptable?
Last night on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter responded to Obama’s comments [about the religious right] by implicating him as a terrorist. Coulter remarked, “Anyone named B. Hussein Obama should not use the words ‘hijack’ and ‘religion’ in the same sentence.” Host Sean Hannity added that Obama’s remarks were part of a “black separatist agenda.”
Seriously. What is going on in the minds of people when this type of political discourse is acceptable? This is what the Congressional Black Caucus is willing to overlook in their desire to host debates on FOX? The blogosphere shouldn’t have to stick up for them, they should be sticking up for themselves. It’s kind of strange to look off on the left and right flanks and see the CBC has abandoned their posts. Why go on a network that calls the first viable black candidate for president a terrorist and a black separatist?
I know money talks but, to me, I just see a lot of bullshit that walks.
Man, where have you been? This is still Amerikkka.
Black males are scary in this society (or at least the society of Fox News watchers) When was the last time that you saw a Hollywood movie in which there was a Black male lead who got together with a white female character? Sure, on occasion you’ll see a White male romantically involved with a black female, but no black males involved with white females.
Think about it. We’re still afraid of Blacks.
…so naturally the bilge is going to back up on them.
Seriously, though, the CBC is compromised by Blue Dogs among them and Pelosi from without. It can’t be that the likes of Conyers and Maxine approve of this crap of going on Faux. Especially when I heard that a photo/video of Conyers was ‘mistaken’ for that of ‘Cold Cash’ Jefferson of Louisiana.
I think have been forced to back up because of the Obama candidacy and his appeal. While I’m still on the fence with Obama, I’m sure the wingers are pissed, thinking they won’t have a chance at sinking their incisors into the red meat of a Hillary nomination. They’re aching to hit back, but they’re afraid they’re going to make him even stronger.
They couldn’t stick the madrassa bullshit on him, so they’re trying harder…and lower.
I don’t quite see how Pelosi is at fault for the CBC’s sudden turn to stupidity. There was a time when they stood almost alone in Congress for telling truths nobody else wanted to touch. Now they’re acting like they’ve been asleep for a couple decades.
The excuse that they’re trying to “build bridges” just doesn’t fly in the faces of outrageous racist bullshit like this. All they’re doing is making public racism respectable again.
Only two theories come to mind: 1: the PTB in the caucus are as childish as Bush and so unable to admit that they made a mistake, so they’re staying the idiotic course instead. Or 2: there are people so jealous of Obama’s “unearned” success and admiration that they’d rather ally with Foxnews than let him triumph. Either way, it’s one of the hugest disappointments even in this incredibly disappointing season.
because he was pressured by Pelosi and Reid and their cohorts.
From within, the past chairs of the CBC, particularly Mel Watts and Albert Wynn refused to rein in the more reactionary, corporate, DLC, pro-Repub types, or Blue Dogs. These guys are running the show. The old CBC is now splintered and slowly dying off.
It’s unlikely that current chair Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick is going to reverse that slide.
Who are they? Let me give you a hint. Guys like
Albert Wynn, MD
William “Cold Cash” Jefferson, LA
Sanford Bishop, GA
Artur Davis, AL
Kendrick Meek, FL (known as the Foundation Chair, as opposed to Dean John Conyers who is one of the last two founding members left–Charlie Rangel is the other.)
…and before his defeat in TN, Harold Ford, now chairman of the DLC. He works closely with Wynn.
Check this excerpt from a 2005 edition of The Black Commentator after the Bankruptcy Bill was passed.
These new CBC are nothing less than appeasers.
Taking this exemplary example of punditry to its “logical” extreme, it follows naturally that being a blonde, Coulter must be dumb, and being named Hannity, Sean must be a drunk. I think we’re done now.
…because every church going Christian knows that the most segregated hour in America has always been Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.
That lies pose for truth is one of the main tactics of fascists. We all know that Fox News is the Pravda of the fascist power in America. Their function isn’t to inform but to manipulate.