AT&T will handicap the BlackBerry 8820 so it doesn’t compete with the iPhone. That’s pretty obnoxious.
Hard to say if Apple made the original call, but AT&T has forced RIM to disable GPS functionality on their upcoming release. So if you want the new BlackBerry, don’t get it through AT&T. If you have that choice.
AT&T’s other odious recent behavior includes censoring political content from a Pearl Jam concert. FCC Commissioner Michael Copps talked recently in this context about the importance of net neutrality, or treating the internet like a telecommunications service with built-in consumer protection.
Here’s the thing: AT&T doesn’t give a damn about their customers. They don’t give a damn about whether or not you can use the phone that best suits you, or have access to free speech, or if they government uses them to illegally wiretap their customers. They. Just. Don’t. Care. Not even a little bit.
They’re too big for their customers to challenge them individually. They’re too big for even one of their major vendors to challenge them. There are areas of the country where they’ve got a near lock on service. In order not to pay highway robbery prices for decent equipment, you’ve also got to lock in a 2 year service agreement with them.
Now, think of all the other big companies out there that are exactly like AT&T, petty, greedy tyrants with absolute power over some little corner of your life that you just have to bend over and put up with.
These same companies, through their lobbyists, bought politicians, and wholesale purchase of the Republican Party have been telling anyone who’ll listen that the biggest threat to a free market is the government. The people we hire to represent us when we cast our ballots in an election, and that we can at the least fire at the next election. But what is so dang free about AT&T customers having to put up with an artificially incapacitated BlackBerry? What’s so free about their locking up the iPhone so you can only use it with their service? What’s so free about the fact that if you have a problem with the way they handle their contracts, you have to take it to corporate-friendly arbitration instead of being able to take it to court?
Can anyone tell me what is so utopian about AT&T’s latitude to screw over whoever the hell they want to without check? Want to explain how it’s good for customers, commerce, free choice or the American way? How this is the best outcome?
Corporations like AT&T have consistently proven, time and again, that they absolutely can’t be trusted to act in the common good. Yet they tell us that they’re the best managers of common resources, like our communications bandwidth and infrastructure. The best. Yet they routinely leave smaller communities behind, and lie in order to maximize profits without having to provide better services or invest more significantly in infrastructure.
These are the bozos that conservatives and libertarians believe can, always and by definition, make better decisions for society than our elected government can? Or at least they’d like us to think they believe that. Personally, I doubt they’re that stupid, they just seem to also believe they’ll be invited aboard the in-crowd’s gravy train. And isn’t that just the very best example of how to love your neighbor, ever?
Personally I find the Blackberry to be one of those creepy Orwellian devices. Like the Star Trek Borg, “you will be assimulated”.
This though is just one example of one company’s greed and total disregard of all that is good.
Collectively the sum total of all that is happening to America is what I call.
The Illuminati Plan to Destroy America.
Monopolies are anti-capitalistic. The essence of liberal politics is regulating abuses by the powerful and empowering the weak. This is true from laws against theft and murder to laws against market manipulations. The biggest problem is that by design the government is one of the powerful an it needs to regulate itself, that is always difficult.
one small correction… at&t DOES care for its customers, only you and i are NOT at&t’s customers… just like in those other supposedly customer-service focused organizations where, no matter how much the individual customer service person would LIKE to serve the paying customer, the system precludes it by insisting that maximum obeisance is paid to the authority figures up the hierarchy, so does at&t pay maximum obeisance to the authority figures up ITS hierarchy…
Like all other similar companies, their real customers are the absentee landlords who loan them money and expect as much return as can barely within the law be extracted from employees and customers. And once again, I say …
It’ll be a great day when the right to profit from the investment of your labor has equal legal standing with the right to profit from writing a check to your broker.
“These are the bozos that conservatives and libertarians believe can, always and by definition, make better decisions for society than our elected government can? Or at least they’d like us to think they believe that. Personally, I doubt they’re that stupid”.
I just hadf conversations with one of each this weeekend, and they really ARE that stupid.
The libertarian gave me the standard “personal responsibility” rap, then 10 minutes later I heard him railing against US health care and how much it cost to get day care for his kid.
I forget what the conservative said, I wasn’t paying attention.
Hmmm. I suppose I should have clarified that I meant think tank wonks and elected officials, those people.
A few years ago I went with Cingular because it was considered the most Union friendly. Of course, they are now part of AT&T. Service has been really spotty lately, so I’ve been comtemplating switching to another carry. I think this diary has been the tipping point for that change.
And now I’m in the same boat you are. A year and a half left on the contract, and terrible service where I live, though it wasn’t this bad where I was living when I first signed up.
I’ve been with T-Mobile for years now and am mostly satisfied.
I am still unsure if I am willing to give up my BlackBerry for an iPhone. I like having a tactile keyboard.
Thanks for the recomendation.
I’ve had T-Mobile since way back when it was Voicestream, and have also been pretty satisfied. There are some places (the Outer Banks of NC come to mind) where service is iffy, but their customer service has been excellent, and they’ve been pretty accomodating to little changes within our existing service plans (CBtE’s texting was out of hand…).
I had verizon before that, and they were obnoxious.
I dropped Cingular about four years ago in favor of T-Mobile. Back then it was because of coverage issues at my house; today it would be because of crap like they pull with the Pearl Jam concert and of course the complicity in domestic spying. I can’t say that T-Mobile is perfect, of course, but I’ve gotten good service and as far as I can tell their prices are pretty competitive for the family plan we have. Of course with the prices they make it pretty difficult to comparison shop, so how can you really tell?
I’ll tell you this: I would never, ever, sign up with AT&T or Sprint at this point. I’d rather not have a cell phone if those were the only two choices.
of a bankrupt political ideology.
And remember “this” AT&T is actually the old SBC which in itself is a reintegration of some of the key old Baby Bells (BellSouth for one) that were broken up in 1984.
And this AT&T is headquarted in San Antonio Texas rather than Basking Ridge NJ.