Crossposted from Left Toon Lane, Bilerico Project & My Left Wing

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Updating from Monday’s DKos post

A guitar playing man who was supportive of same sex marriage passed out at my feet a little after 5pm. The medics gave him CPR for over 20 minutes before they moved him. He looked bad. The crowd was very compassionate about the man’s condition except, of course, the crazy fundamentalist “Christians” on hand to protest. I asked on protester why wouldn’t he pray for the guy instead of shouting about anal sex? He replied “God killed him for loving fags!”

I thought the man died and the badgering by the fundamentalists really shook me up. But I have good news today. Petrelis Files and Pam’s House Blend learned a lot more about the idiot yelling and the gentleman who collapsed.

The fundamentalist is named Kevin Farrer and he has a website – Cry To God. He is a roofer from Fremont (Sonrise Roofing), according to the Golden Gate Xpress. It seems Farrer leaves a trail of hate wherever he goes – San Jose, Santa Barbara, and points east.

The guitar player, Petrelis calls him Joni, is alive after suffering cardiac arrest and is in guarded condition at Saint Mary’s Hospital. We are still casting the net out there for this man’s real name. If anyone knows, please drop us an email.

SPECIAL REQUEST FOR TCD FANS: The San Francisco Chronicle is pondering the addition of new cartoons for their paper – a process that seems to be initiated by Darren Bell, creator of Candorville (one of my daily reads – highly recommended). You can read the Chronicle article here and please add your thoughts to the comments if you wish. If anything, put in a good word for Darren and Candorville.

I am submitting Town Called Dobson to the paper for their consideration. They seem to have given great weight to receiving 200 messages considering Candorville. I am asking TCD fans to try to surpass that amount. (I get more than that many hate mails a day, surely fans can do better?)

This is not a race between the two of us, it is a hope that more progressive strips can be represented in the printed press of America.

So if you read the San Francisco Chronicle or live in the Bay Area (Google Analytics tell me there are a lot of you), please send your kind comments (or naked, straining outrage) to David Wiegand at his published addresses below. If you are a subscriber, cut out your mailing label and staple it to a TCD strip and include it in your letter.


David Wiegand
Executive Datebook Editor
The San Francisco Chronicle
901 Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94103