Fifty brave high school seniors, all members of the Presidential Scholars program, had the opportunity recently to have Bush lie to their faces, when their representative personally delivered to him a hand written letter demanding he stop violating the human rights of terror suspects:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush was presented with a letter Monday signed by 50 high school seniors in the Presidential Scholars program urging a halt to “violations of the human rights” of terror suspects held by the United States.

The White House said Bush had not expected the letter but took a moment to read it and talk with a young woman who handed it to him.

“The president enjoyed a visit with the students, accepted the letter and upon reading it let the student know that the United States does not torture and that we value human rights,” deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.

I’m sure he didn’t expect a letter from fifty high school seniors, when the Democratic Members of Congress so recently and cowardly backed down on their demands that Bush set a timetable for leaving Iraq, but apparently these young people have a little more backbone than our Congressional leaders. Good for them.

As for the lie? Just read what Dana Perino claimed Bush told them in the last paragraph quoted above. Bush is so practiced at denying reality that I’m sure he kept a perfectly straight face the entire time he was repeating that old canard that “we don’t torture.”

Hey Republicans. Don’t we impeach Presidents for lying?