Right wing nationalism. Racism. Xenophobia. Exceptionalism. Paranoia. Militarism. Chicken and egg. Call and response.

Old familiar stories, far too often told, and no less disconcerting when the tales are being woven within the pages of a book labeled “Progressive”. In fact, in my case, it is more so. There is that sense of dissonance one feels when you think you are grabbing on to one thing and it turns out to be something else entirely.

I have long been concerned at the coalescing of activists, political factions and so on around being anti-Iraq invasion, war and occupation – in other words, anti this war – with little or no discussion of what else binds them together. As we’ve seen lately… in some cases, not a lot. Or, at least, not enough. I am not actually adverse to such temporary coalitions – with full knowledge. I’ve found it best to not only know who you are walking with, but who, in turn, is walking with you.

So. Anti-American.

That’s a term that has been bandied about a lot here recently, from the top down. So, I’m wondering… what does that mean to people? To be “Anti-American”? I’ll point out some things, but it’s far from an exhaustive list.

For some it seems to mean being anti-US Military. Or, it may be better said, anti some interpretations of how one apparently must view the U.S. military, in order to avoid being anti-American.

Leftists who don’t believe in, or justify in any way, American Exceptionalism also apparently qualify as anti-American.

Let’s see… who else. Ah, peace activists. If you believe in ‘never war, there are always better ways to do things’, and that respecting human rights and social justice can and will lead to peace, apparently you are also anti-American.

And, of course, if you are non American and are any combination of the above, you are definitely anti-American.

I am of the view that this sort of language, especially arising as it has been out of militarism, is far from benign, and is usually calculated to bring about a result. There is a reason the right (and sometimes left) wing uses demonization and nationalistic language time after time after time. Because it works… every single time. Although, thankfully, not on every single person.

I’ve considered keeping silent, but I think nationalism, especially arising out of militarism, is way too dangerous a product to be left sitting like the elephant in the room. Instead of staying in the one place you put it, it tends to sprawl out, taking up residence here and there, knocking over lamps, crushing knick-knacks underfoot and in general is not a very pleasant houseguest. Brushing it under the rug also seems to have little effect.

Others no doubt know far more history than I do, but I can’t think of any time when such language and sentiments as have been being thrown about, followed to their conclusion (or even just on the way to it), have been harmless and beneficial.

Besides, I’m curious. I want to know what is going on… it’s not just here, either. I know that as things head into electoral season, the tendency of those concentrated on ‘electability’ is to swing to the right (although usually not with such neck wrenching speed). Am not exactly sure why as, as far as I can tell, that has not been much of a winning strategy.

Or maybe it’s just the frayed nerves from all the messes going on around the world… and after all, someone must be to blame.

Whatever, I tend to ask questions when I don’t understand something, and what has been going on around and about lately I really don’t understand. So, what is going on?