Newsweek’s Jon Meacham scored an interview on Air Force One, and all he really got out of it was this one quote:
“The American people, I think, not only have a toleration but also a hunger for explanation and complexity, and a willingness to acknowledge hard problems,” Obama said. “I think one of the biggest mistakes that is made in Washington is this notion you have to dumb down things for the public.”
I love the quote, but what happened to the rest of the interview? Meacham tells us that Obama watched Star Trek to find out why people were comparing him to Spock, and then he tells us:
After a series of questions about what he has learned in his first months in the White House, I asked him whether he would read over a paragraph from his book, The Audacity of Hope, and react to it.
Where are his answers on what he’s learned in the White House? Insofar as Meacham provides those answers, he does it in his own words, giving us gems like this:
What he has learned is that he likes, and enjoys, power—the capacity to shape reality in his image and by his lights—and that he finds crisis defining, bracing and useful. That a president feels suited to power is hardly a startling observation, but that Obama so revels in it—in the understated way Obama revels in anything—confounds the competing popular impressions of his persona. Many of his followers see him as the embodiment of a kind of utopian progressive politics in which the brute application of power is passé, a relic of the ruins of the Age of Bush and Cheney. Many of his critics, meanwhile, think him weak, a crypto-socialist one-worlder who wants to offer rogue nations tea and sympathy.
Maybe next time Obama grants an exclusive interview on Air Force One the reporter can write down his answers and give them to us? If I wanted to read Georgetown pseudo-psychoanalysis I could stick to reading Peggy Noonan. Jon Meacham sucks.
He has the vices of his virtues. His fluency with policy can make him seem abrupt when he feels a meeting is covering ground he already knows. His confidence and self-reliance—honed in a fatherless childhood—sometimes creates the impression of iciness, even to those devoted to his success. His pragmatism and willingness to change his mind when confronted with new information occasionally drives the liberal element of his coalition to distraction.
I thought Meacham interviewed Obama, not some liberal element or people dedicated to his success. Jon Meacham sucks hard.
I’ve read that Obama doesn’t suffer fools gladly. So we can probably expect a lot more of that stuff which only an idiot could call a “conversation.”
Mr. Meacham failed to listen to that first quote.
I hope that you aren’t surprised at meachum. He is so full of himself and has been for quite a while. Just another example of the reason that print traditional “news sources” are dying!
Also, the reason you and your fellow bloggers are the future of “the news”!
You are right. Wasn’t it Meacham who wrote that cover story about religion staging a come back(or was it that religion was going the way of dinosaurs)? I despise MoDo and Little Tommy Friedman .. but I despise Meacham most of all .. I think he’s the most arrogant of the bunch
This part is especially encouraging:
There may be a paucity of direct quotes, but I think Meachum’s observations are valuable.
Except in regard to his dinner buddy, David Brooks.
Meacham’s “shape reality in his own image” sounds narcissistic (guess Meacham doesn’t know any non-narcissistic political leaders) – in the reality based community one would say “exert leadership in accordance with his vision”. Would one say about Nelson Mandela “shape reality in his own image”? I don’t think so. Furthermore “in his image” is from Genesis 1, creation of human beings – more of this Obama thinks he’s god nonesense.
Love this part about his reaction to Cheney
cannot be reconciled with THIS:
I’m sorry, it just can’t. In fact the president is going out of his way to make sure that americans’ “hunger for explanation and complexity, and a willingness to acknowledge hard problems” will not be addressed unless he is dragged kicking and screaming to the table. he’s hiding photographs, leaning on the brits to conceal damaging revelations, and setting our detainees up in a kangaroo court to ensure “victories”.
THAT is NOT change, and while the words are nice, the ACTIONS are what matter. These are not the actions of someone who truly believes in a “hunger for explanation and complexity, and a willingness to acknowledge hard problems”.
sorry to be the turd in the punchbowl, again.
I get it.. but the use of repug talking points by Obama, the latest being about the “bad apples in the CIA” re: the latest round of torture photos, is not acceptable.