Laura Rozen digs into the Sy Hersh article at War & Piece:
More on Seymour Hersh’s Iraq elections piece from Eric Umansky and Democracy Arsenal’s Michael Signer. As I wrote over in a comment there, given that the piece is also about the allegation that the Bush administration is increasingly moving delicate foreign policy decisions off the books, and evading Congressional reporting requirements, I am a bit astonished it hasn’t generated more public comment, including in the blogosphere. Writes Hersh:
In my reporting for this story, one theme that emerged was the Bush Administration’s increasing tendency to turn to off-the-books covert actions to accomplish its goals. This allowed the Administration to avoid the kind of stumbling blocks it encountered in the debate about how to handle the elections: bureaucratic infighting, congressional second-guessing, complaints from outsiders.
+ + + If you missed it, <a href="
“>check out Amy Goodman’s interview of Hersh yesterday. Hersh said:
I’ve been waiting to read it to get my copy in the mail, which I think is late.
Has anybody been reminded of something else when reading Hersh’s list of interventions in the Iraqi elections, like voter intimidation and fraud?
You know, like Ohio?