It’s time to put away those hopes and dreams of a Gore candidacy and Presidency; time to move on, to choose from the existing pool of Democratic candidates, get behind one — give up on the idea of Gore as the white knight coming in at the last minute to save the day. He’s not coming. I never was one to play the role of Vladimir or Estragon; I’m ill-suited to sit and wait for someone who’ll never arrive.
If you’re thinking this is just one of my usual pessimistic depressive rollercoaster phases, you’re wrong. I have it on some pretty damned good authority that Godot ain’t comin’.
Al Gore’s Supporters Move On
AL GORE’S Hollywood fans applauded him at the Oscars, cheered at the Emmys and wept proud tears when he won the Nobel Peace Prize. But even now they admit that they’ll probably never get the chance to dance at his inaugural ball.
Over the last few weeks, the core of Gore’s Hollywood support has been quietly shifting its allegiance to other candidates. They have resigned themselves to that fact that, no matter how hard they press him and no matter what good fortune comes his way, the former vice president won’t seek the presidency.
Rob Reiner said he has had conversations with Gore about his intentions and he takes him at his word.
“He’s not running,” said Reiner, who has remained loyal to the former vice president since campaigning with him in 2000. (The director still carries in his brown satchel a signed copy of Gore’s speech declaring that he would accept the Supreme Court decision that, effectively, ended his bid for the presidency against George W. Bush.)
Two weeks ago, Reiner announced that he would be supporting Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Last week he made a campaign ad for her. On Saturday, he and his wife Michelle will host a birthday party for the senator at his Brentwood estate.
These are people with whom Al Gore hangs out on a regular basis, with whom he dines, drinks, converses and enjoys social events and activities like golf, a game that provides ample time for chatting about things like, oh, say, the 2008 presidential campaign and whether or not Mr. Gore thinks he will or ought to run… These people have begun publicly endorsing candidates out of the pool of declared Democrats; they have donated money, as well.
And when Rob Reiner, one of the most vociferous “Run, Al, Run” activists as well as a close personal friend of Al Gore, declares publicly that Al Gore will not run — and publicly endorses HIllary Clinton, makes an ad supporting hre, for chrissakes… the die is cast. It’s over. The Rubicon done been crossed and we gots the wet undies to prove it..
The time for signing petitions and holding out hope for a Gore candidacy has come to an end. Realists and dreamers alike must accept Mr. Gore’s decision and move on. Take some time to mourn, if you need it; but eventually, after moping through those familiar stages of grief annotated by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross we’ve all come to know (anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance), we must all of us face the cards we’ve been dealt…
… Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gravel, Kucinich, Obama, Richardson…
… and make our choices from among this hand.
And, as my previous post here indicates, I’m backing Edwards as my strong second choice to Gore.
I’ve done my mourning in dribs and drabs, actually; the suspicion he wouldn’t run began a month or so ago — that LA Times article simply confirmed what I’d already pretty much concluded for myself in the days after the Nobel announcement…
Good to see you, as always.
I believe nothing the LAT says anymore. Their reporters are a joke!!!
I think many of us knew this all along. If it were anyone besides the Clintons, maybe.
Glad you are backing Edwards, but right now it looks like Hillary, the latest Neocon.
MSO’C has just made the best case for abandoning the Dems and forming a third party or jumping ship I have ever heard. You must choose between these fascist crap mongers or those. Don’t even dream about who you might want running the show.
I wouldn’t abandon ship this year.
It’d just be an unorganised mess…
but yes, I’ve been yearning for a third party; our only real hope, though, is instant run-off voting. ANd you just KNOW they’ll never let it happen.
If I were a democratic strategist, I would be very concerned about the election this year. They seem to think that because the repugs suck that more people will vote for Democrats.
Well, if they suck too, no one votes. Then it is the party with the better manipulation machine – and I think we’ve confirmed who has that – the voting machines themselves.
If they blow this one, I’m not just leaving the party, but the hemisphere..
I think you’ll need to leave the planet to escape what will happen.
But I think the big money people like Hillary – she’ll do their bidding. In the highest reaches, support for candidates is not ideologically driven. Practically, they need to maintain the illusion of democracy, so long as they get someone who won’t challenge the status quo substantially. Hillary’s their gal.
Some of us figured this out a while ago.
Nor do I blame him – I don’t envy the President whose it will be to clean up Bush’s fucking mess. What a sad country we’ve become.
I’ll take the job! Like Ahnold in CA, the only direction is up!
Gore not running means that he does not believe we live in a democracy anymore. It means he sees the US as a declining power in thrall to corporate interests, especially those seeking media consolidation, the defense industry, the energy industry, the financial industry and the health care/pharmaceutical industries. It means he believes he can have a greater impact on the future of the planet by staying out of US politics. Sadly, he’s probably correct.
We are headed for a presidential campaign between two Republican candidates (though one will be nominated by the Democratic party): Clinton and whomever the GOP nominates. Clinton will be the “moderate” Republican and the other guy will be the extremist Republican. In either case we will be screwed when the US economic train that is being maintained by foreign debt and war profiteers runs off the rails.
I wonder if Gore realised that.
I’m certain he did.
Just as he told his people to give in after 2000. He said he didn’t want Americans to lose faith or stop believing in his country.
[shrugs] It’s his life. I would have thought the call of duty would have been stgronger than the revulsion of US politics, but it wasn’t.
I hate the fact all the slimeballs out there drove him away. But they did, he doesn’t feel he deserves to deal with their utter shit and he won’t.
Who could blame him? The press hates him with an irrational fury, they instantly regress to neandrethals every time they cover him.
Bye, Al.
with all due respect msoc, l’m not ready to make that leap just yet.
the rumours and innuendo around the will he or won’t he argument are innumerable, and frankly, l give them little credence.
it’s not a matter of the ek-b stages, it’s simply a hope, and i will maintain that hope until he says, definitely: ‘No, l will not run’.
it’s not over yet…but when and if it is, l’ll move on.