On Tuesday evening, June 28th (yes, the same evening of Bush’s speech), Rep Conyers et al will bring the Downing Street Memo discussion to the floor of the House and afterdowningstreet.org is asking for your help.
Phone: 1-877-762-8762
Email: http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/39
Here is the letter sent out by Conyers, Waters and Lee:
On June 28, 2005 for an Hour of Special Order on the Downing Street Minutes
June 24, 2005
Dear Democratic Colleague:
Please join the ‘Out of Iraq’ Caucus this Tuesday, June 28th for a Special Order hour on the Downing Street Minutes. The Democratic hour for these remarks is scheduled for the second hour of the Special Orders, which will commence immediately after votes for the day have ended
Over the past month, 128 Members of Congress, along with some 560,000 citizens have sent letters to the President demanding a response to reports of a pre-war deal between Great Britain and the United States and to evidence that pre-war intelligence was intentionally manipulated. All of these letters have gone unanswered.
Given the importance of these matters, we believe it is incumbent upon Congress to discuss these issues in a public and forthright manner. We hope you will join us in this hour of Special Orders.
To reserve time during the Special Order, please contact Stacey Dansky or Adam Cohen of the Judiciary Committee staff at 225-6906. Thank you.
John Conyers, Jr.
Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary
Maxine Waters
Member, Committee on the Judiciary
Barbara Lee
Member, Committee on International Relations
Do your part. Contact your congressperson!
For those who have decided to boycott Bush’s speech, hopefully C-SPAN will cover this event live. It isn’t on their schedule yet, unless it’s covered under the House session, but you can contact C-SPAN here to ask nicely that they provide online streaming.
(Local contact info can be found on their sites.)
The Honorable John Conyers, Jr:
2426 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5126
(202) 225-0072 Fax
The Honorable Maxine Waters:
online contact form
Congresswoman Waters
2344 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
202-225-2201 phone
202-225-7854 fax
The Honorable Barbara Lee:
Washington, D.C. Office
1724 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2661
Fax: (202) 225-9817
Update [2005-6-28 8:24:51 by catnip]:
Rep Conyers insists that Bush must answer lingering questions tonite. The following has been posted on his blog:
Yesterday afternoon, CNN-USA Today-Gallup reported that the President’s disapproval rating has hit an all-time high for his administration—at 53%—and the 45% approval rating matches his worst performance as a sitting President.
At the same time, the Washington Post released the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. The numbers demonstrate an increased intolerance for stonewalling or dissembling in the White House. More than 77% of Americans disagree with the Vice President’s assessment that the Iraqi insurgency is in its “last throes.” And, for the first time since the invasion of Iraq began in January 2003, a majority of the country believes the Administration deliberately misled the American public in the lead up to war.
This morning, the front page of the Post features the most substantive coverage of the Downing Street Minutes yet afforded by the mainstream press. From the initial efforts of a few dedicated radio hosts, bloggers, and concerned citizens, our message has absolutely broken through. The trivial “victories” of the relatively insignificant right wing blogosphere and noise machine pale in comparison to the resusitation of a life and death issue that the conventional wisdom had long ago left behind.
No matter what the President tells us tonight, we can be certain that his persistent but diminishing camp of Administration loyalists will single us out. They will accuse us of playing politics with an issue they claim to have settled long ago. I am prepared to respond, and I hope that you will join me:
Questioning the President is not an agenda item, or a plank in the party platform. Questioning the President is our obligation—and I, for one, will not rest until we have been answered.
I can’t imagine that there is anything Bush could say at this point to swing the pendulum back in his favour and that is damn good news.
The time for action is now. If you’re considering contacting your representative – do it immediately. There’s no time to waste on this one!
Thanks Catnip, and recommended!
I have contacted them many times and get such bullshit back that it is not worth the effort. They do respond but with garbage. They do not listen to the Democrats and Independents of New Hampshire.
But Conyers and his group are my heroes and have been since the Clinton Impeachment.
It’s the same thing with my all Repub all the time reps here in Idaho. I get the most arogant, haughty letters from them that yeah it’s an important issue, but the Prez is always right, or some such crap. I keep writing them anyway. And I keep telling them I’m never going to vote republican because of their mishandling of these things. Not that I ever have voted Republican, but still. . .just saying.
I don’t mean to gloat or anything, but my congresscritter is Barbare Lee. She rocks and will continue to get my vote and support forever more!
BTW, I did call her and thanked her for upholding democracy.
choking his 24 year old girl friend in hotel rooms.
I’ve got Katherine Harris. Don’t get me started about taxation without representation. I support John Conyers and other members of Congress who truly represent me. Locally, there is no hope of that.
You need a hug!
Yeah, but if we flood the fax machines and phone lines theyHAVE tp pay attention. I always like to say something about campaign contributions and my taxes pay your salary.
Submitted my request to my congressman, but might as well be talking to Tom the slimeball DeLay, seems Ryun from Kansas is becoming a Delay clone.
Done and recommended!
(But I’m not holding my breath. My Congressman is Tom Fricking DeLayhole.)
I didn’t know his middle name was fricking. Suits him though! 🙂
How about that? LOL!
I could think of many more suitable names for him, but I’ll refrain from being totally vulgar. 😉
I sympathize with all of you who have Republican congresspeople. My Member of Parliament is the leader of the Canadian Conservative party – Stephen Harper.
Put pressure on your rep regardless or contact some Dems who aren’t your reps. They need to know you’re paying attention.
Three Networks Delay Decision About Bush Iraq talk
Iraq Lawmaker Killed Ahead of Bush Speech
A suicide car bomber killed lawmaker Dhari Ali al-Fayadh along with his son and three bodyguards in an attack on his convoy in Baghdad’s northern outskirts, the second Iraqi lawmaker assassinated since the government took power in April.
He was the oldest member of parliament and had served as its speaker on the first day it gathered after elections in January. A Shi’ite from the ruling alliance, he led a tribe that includes Sunnis and was respected in both communities.
Just another day in Bushco paradise…
that you could watch the speech live tonight at 8pm edt on MSNBC. They never mentioned NBC running it. SHit, now I will miss Countdown w/Keith my man!
Here’s a thought for those whose reps are pod people:
Call a Democrat and tell them you why can’t call your own. Implore them to speak for you since yours is gagged by the gulag.
I’ll be calling and damnit… do I dare to hope? Last time Conyers couldn’t even get IN.
SPAN had better cover this.
Bravo Catnip!
I have to rely on Rep Conyers and others to speak for me, all of our congress and senate critters are Repub. in Idaho. But for those who have an option, I think that is a great idea.
none other than Randy “Duke” Cunningham. It was the usual blah blah blah about so many emails so little time. I sent back a scathing response(I know that surprises all of you as I am usually so soft spoken…lol).Here is what I wrote back:
Thank you for your rapid response, computer generated, slap in the face.
This is not something to mull over and think about. This is an immediate
action situation. Maybe Duke you are too busy buying and selling real estate
for favors and campaign contributions. As a Del Mar constituent you can bank
on me adamentley opposing any reelection effort you may put forward. Just
remember Duke, I pay your salary.
as i was writing the above post I received this email from the Duke.
Thank you for taking time to contact me over the Internet. It is good to hear from you. Like you, I appreciate the convenience and speed of email — which explains this initial auto-response message.
My job as congressman from California’s 51st Congressional District means I must give priority to email from my own San Diego County constituents. To help accomplish this, I invite constituents to correspond with me through a system I have established on my website, which is http://www.house.gov/cunningham. Click on the “Email” icon on the left side of my homepage, and follow the directions. The rules of the House of Representatives limit my ability to respond to citizens who are not from California’s 51st District, so only my constituents will receive responses from me through my website mail system. Of course, the information on my website is available to everyone. Thank you for your understanding.
It is an honor to serve in Congress, and I thank you again for taking the time to email me.
With best regards,
What an asshole!
They’ll speak on the floor Thurs. night, not tonight.
Wes Clark is on FOX now to comment on Bush’s speech.